Sep 06, 2010 01:39
It's miserable outside, a day of weather that has culminated in sideways rain. So I am huddled inside, contemplating all the stuff that I have managed to get done, and all the stuff I have yet to do. I have managed to re-read and summarize most of the notes I was meant to have completed months ago, and now I am sitting and looking at a stack of readings that I have to do this week. Today it's back to the university to fritter away what little discipline I have left. I think I'm doing a presentation as well (either that or it's on Thursday) so I can wipe that off the slate as well. There's still a huge list of readings, and then we barrel back into the assignment season and I may actually go insane oh dear god help me.
I haven't heard from work to tell me if I'm meant to be running a quiz this week or not, so that may chew up an evening. But I also don't know what the long-term security of a job running pub quizzes is, anyway, so who knows whether I will be as concerned about that in six months. And then there's the writing workbook that I have to hand in, and the fic challenge I rashly signed up for, and yes.
-two deep breaths-
That's not really why I started this post, though. Rather than complain about how insane everything seems when I write it down, I was going to make a post before I delve into this fic challenge. Because I feel I should attempt to rationalise what I feel is a perfectly clear idea, but other people may look at and be utterly confused and slightly derisive.
Yes, I love The Matrix. Yes, if you've seen the movie (and very few haven't by now) you'll have more of a grasp of what's going on. That's not totally necessary, as most of what I write will be very character-driven rather than plot-specific. I have resisted the urge to include the OC that I have inserted into my epic fanfic (I say 'epic', but 'modest' is more appropriate. It only feels epic because I have been at it so long).
So, um, yeah. Enjoy the show.