I should probably let everyone know that I have moved onto another meme; one that will take more time and (hopefully) give me more of a chance to flex my writing muscles. Today I learned that if I were to collate everything I've written this year (which I should consider doing for a scriptwriting assignment) it totals over 250 pages. Let's add a few more, with this: Prompt Table number 5 from the good folks over at the almost unheard-of
fanfic25. I'm turning at least three of my five wildcard entries over to you fine readers, so if they're anything you want to throw my way please do so, as I'd prefer to have my control over this limited, and 'whatever you want' isn't much of a prompt.
The 25.1. Fate
2. Rice3. Gods4. Blessing
5. Fire 6. Embarrassed7. Strength8. Thank You9. Rude
10. Family 11. Woman12. Person13. Giggle
14. Dumb15. Cheer Up
16. Peaceful 17. Find 18. Zen19. Try20. Fight21. Wild Card
'Senior'22. Wild Card
'Brutal'23. Wild Card
'Dancing in
the Temple'
24. Wild Card
'Rain'25. Wild Card
The fandom I've taken it upon myself to attack with this one is The Matrix (nobody who knows me is surprised by this), specifically Mouse (again, nobody who blah blah blah), as I think I can do something different with him here than what's happening to him in my sprawling epic of a fanfic. So yeah, let's see how this goes.