May 20, 2007 21:59
today while i was ast work, my parents found a baby squirrel outside looking all scared. They gave him some peanuts and encouraged him to go up the tree.
after dinner we looked out the window after dinner and he was across the street heading towards the busy street. I had to bring him back on to our lawn and he would not go in the tree. I think he is maybe one month old and was hundry and soaked. So now after a few calls around there is a lil squirrel in the garage full of peanuts and passed out and finally quiet the noises he made we the saddest thing ever.
tomorrow a woman who takes in squirrels is suposed to call, if she can help, if not I don't know what i'm going to do. He can't go to the spca, cause they said they have to put them down.