The trend must end

May 17, 2007 11:33

So, this little rant should probably be posted on Facebook since that's what it regards, but I'm going to go ahead and put it on here since Facebook notes will only let you tag so many people. I rant today about a trend I've been noticing for some time on the Book of the Face, and I've decided absolutely MUST be stopped: People who sit in front of their computer camera, maybe accompanied by a friend or two, and take literally hundreds of "wacky" pictures of themselves that ALL LOOK EXACTLY THE FRIGGIN' SAME.

You know who these people are. The ones who have about 800 pictures of them tagged on Facebook, 600 or so of which follow the aforementioned format. You notice that there are "new photos tagged" of these people, and you go to look and they ALL LOOK LIKE THIS and it just makes you want to tear your hair out in frustration. So why do they do it? I can't say for sure, but here are a few facts I can tell you about these kinds of photos/albums:

1. It does not make you look cute. Or spontaneous or fun or goofy or any of that. It makes you look like a moron. And a fairly conceited moron at that. Even if you are attractive, I guarantee you that NOBODY wants to see that many pictures of you doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

2. It's NOT FUNNY. I'm not sure if the people who put these photos up think that it's some kind of pathetic attempt at humor, but photos like these are about as "funny" as a gaping wound dipped in salt. People who truly are funny don't have to try that hard.

3. It does not make you seem "popular". Having 800 pictures up on Facebook does not make you popular if 790 of those pictures were tagged by you. Don't fill up your photo albums just for the sake of filling up your photo albums, hoping that people might say "Oh my goodness! 800 photos? Wow, they must be SO COOL!". Nope - they just have way too much time to sit in front of their computer with a camera.

Those are really the only reasons I can think of that people might want to do this, so hopefully that will dispell a few myths. Now, just to be clear, I'm certainly not bashing the act itself of taking pictures of yourself on your computer camera. If you have a new pet, a cool new outfit, your friend who you haven't seen in forever has come to visit, or anything like that, taking pictures of yourself on your computer camera and putting them on Facebook is perfectly fine, as long as it's done in moderation. There's just no earthly reason to do it 500 times when you're just bored. Take up a hobby or something.
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