Jul 21, 2005 23:18
quote of the day: "dont look at me in that tone of voice!" -emo michael (some of you know of him)
it has been a long time since i have posted something. wow, so much going on, keeping myself busy and occupied, working and all that, i have an interview tomorrow with the shoe store ALDO, because victoria's secret screwed me over and said they only needed me for the sale so now i ahve to find a place to work for the rest of the summer. so yeah. but other than that, i have three summer school classes, astronomy,psych 100 (with Seiver i might add) and vaughn, i have Goss for astronomy. and dthen i am taking interpersonal communications. 3 weeks left of summer school and then i am free. thank Heaven above. in other news, i am excited because i get to go to Creation with my bcc peeeps. its gonna be madness! i have never been, but everyone that has been to it has loved it so yeah. and i am one of the drivers. mwahahahahahhahahaaha! anyways, i hope eveyrone is doing well. i miss all of you! i tore my whole room apart, cleaned under the bed, the closet everything. i am on my third big black trash bag of trash and my second trash bag of clothes thhat are old or that i cant fit anymore. so yeah, my room looked like a bomb hit it. nnow it looks like a bomb hit it, but missed half of it. so yeah. anyway, fun times. im leaving. call me if any of you all get bored.and cass, i am still trying to find soething to buy you for your birthday. which also reminds me, i need to get the lovely chelsea a gift too. :) anyway, i'll see yall soon hopefully. peace.