Feb 10, 2005 18:54
quote of the day: "my backpack is moving." -joe.
so i went to pick up my little sister at bcs today beecause my mom is in oregon. so i go in the commons and see cass, and kayla and courtney and i havent seen them in forever, and then brian hibbard comes up and just said something unnecessary so i got all up in his grill because he was all up in mine. shoot, i get mean if people get all up in my face. and i dont care if he got his feelings hurt either, i dont have time for crap like that, and i dont need that kinda talk from a sophmore in HIGH SCHOOL, or from anyone for that matter. its gonna be a lot of nerve if he shows his face near me ever again. i dont have time for the likes of people like that.
so yeah, i went to go and get my sister and we went shopping for valentines dresses for her. i think we might have found one in JCPENNY. it is like my JSB dress i wore last year, but in a different color. its one of those plain, but fancy enough for the occasion, never goes out of style type dresses. and she looks so cute. i cant wait to get dance photos of her. yay. ahh high school, good times but im glad im out. because college is so much fun! but you all already knew that.
anyway, yeah, i am glad it is almost the weekend. tomorrow i am going to the mall with theresa and jenny. its gonna be absolute madness. so yeah. ahahha, its gonna be fun. ttyl. peace.