Jun 26, 2009 22:58
TGIF, baby. I'm looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow.
I got me some free Pinkberry froyo today at the launch of their 2 new flavors: coconut and passion fruit. I got the passion fruit and added to the tropical mix with pineapple and mango pieces--delicious. I haven't been a fan of the frozen yogurt trend in the past as I've tried both the plain original flavor and coffee flavor and disliked both immensely. But I actually liked passion fruit and the presence of real fruits, so I might be willing to give this fad another try. Especially since there are about a hundred competing chains within a 5 block radius of me (Red Mango, Yogurberry, Yogi something or other). I think I'm going to try the green tea flavor because after my recent trip to asia, I've discovered I actually love all dessert things green tea flavored. I had this delicious green tea birthday cake a few months back and it was divine.
I also went to see a free production of La Navarraise (the girl from Navarre) at the Winter Garden in the World Financial Center. The Winter Garden is actually a very cool, located in the center of the WFC mall with live palm trees and a greenhouse like wall and ceeling. The production itself was fun--more dramatic and serious than The Magic Flute yesterday, and they even had some trumpeters and bell players on the second floor balcony playing to great effect as well. Nice use of the space and acoustics. Afterwards, I managed to snag a free tote bag and notepad from Century 21 (one of the sponsors). Then, A, S, and I got Japanese take out to go and sat out on the seaport to eat and watch the sunset. It was inexplicably gorgeous outside despite having been thunder storming only an hour before, and we sat around chatting until it got chilly and we headed home.
Tomorrow will be the last of my 3 part series of abbreviated free operas. It should be a medley of the highlights of multiple operas including Madame Butterfly, so I'm excited. And it's taking place at the South Street Seaport, so I can only hope that the weather will hold out on me. Tomorrow I also plan on running a lot of errands--going to the grocery store, maybe doing some laundry, stopping by a greenmarket anniversary, and so forth. Should be a good day.
summer of fun