I'm neither pregnant nor married, but I have lived (vicariously) through the pregnancies of my sis and sisinlaw. They both said that husbands always seem really reserved and apart from the whole process, compared to how you feel. Literally you echoed exactly what my sisinlaw said about tim and childbirth classes. Now he's a doting parent and can't get enough family time! It's some weird thing that they say will pass. I wish I were there! I'd be excited with you!
I'm sure that's the case. And in his defence he is REALLY excited about the baby. My sister is always commenting on how much more into this whole thing he is than her husband was. I think it's just one of those things...of course I'm more phsyched about decorating the nursery! He's a man! I wish you were here too. You should come down for the shower!
I think maybe July 21st? Send me your address and I'll make sure you get an invitation. Even if you can't come...there are tons of out of town people getting invites!
Hey! Send me your address! My sister is sending out Baby shower invites this weekend and she wants to send you one. If you don't want to put it on LJ you can email me. laura_chester81@hotmail.com
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