summing it up, my first entry

May 02, 2004 20:34

i have an open, free soul which is constantly stimulated by many things, the most of which are love and music.
love, ugh, a need, a want, a feeling i wish i couldnt feel, something so wonderful that makes you so sad, one more thing that makes my soul bleed.
music, glorious, fulfilling, something i love, but also, something that bleeds my soul...... but, at least with music, i can control the affect it has on me, and direct it the way i want it to go.... and sometimes, i choose to let it tare me down and break me because i need it, i need it to stimulate feelings inside me that are stirring and awaiting release.

i will use this as an outlet for my emotions. thanks to my buddy davis for showing me some of his writing he has on here, ive decided to use this as well. i should have started a journal some time ago, ive got a lot to express. i really dont care if anyone reads it or likes it or dislikes it.... i need this to reflect on and vent.
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