I Can't Go On, I'll Go On (3/12?)

Jun 21, 2010 18:32

Title: I Can't Go On, I'll Go On
Author: musicbendr 
Rating: R overall; light R for this chapter because of language
Pairings: Rachel/Quinn, Santana/Brittany, Artie/Tina, Mike/Kurt, and other various slash, het, and femslash pairings
Length: ~2800
Spoilers: None
Summary: AU. The glee kids are all at a juvenile mental hospital. These are their journal entries. Written for this prompt at the glee_angst_meme.
Warnings: triggers for a spectrum of mental disorders
A/N: Title stolen from Bandslam.



Dear God,

Yesterday Eliza came out. I'm actually surprised it took this long for someone to take over my body - although usually it's Jonathon or Princess Antoinette Annabelle. Jonathon scouts out sex partners and Princess Antoinette Annabelle looks for husbands. But Eliza came first this time, and she almost never does when I'm in a new situation. She's more scared than the other two, so I don't understand why she would be the alter to explore this new environment. According to Rachel (it took about ten minutes for her to get around to talking about me instead of herself), Eliza sat in the corner and sucked her thumbs while asking for dolls. She cried when Rachel got into the shower, wanting a hug, but Rachel wouldn't give it to her. Apparently her beauty routines are more important than traumatizing a little kid. I'm terrified for what will happen when Eliza returns, because whenever she's afraid she throws tantrums. My parents hated that - it's not easy to stop a six-year-old in a sixteen-year-old's body from going on a rampage. I understand where Tina's panic attacks come from, the ones that she gets because she's scared of the symptoms. Sometimes I feel that way, too, like I just might lose my mind because I don't want Princess Antoinette Annabelle or Eliza or Jonathon to find it.

Today we're having partner exercises with our roommates, so I'm stuck doing those silly trust things with Rachel, who is apparently an expert on all of them. The first one we did was the falling one where we fall back into the other person's arms. Artie and Kurt got to sit out on this one because they obviously would have issues with it. Kurt cheered everyone on while Artie sat and fiddled with his glasses. We had to watch each pair go, dropping each other and trying to trust. Most people got it just fine, but Tina refused to do it. She started to get really upset, almost breaking down right then and there. Mercedes wouldn't put her through it, so Mr. Schuester suggested that they try and do it every day as part of Tina's therapy until she gets it. Rachel barely managed to catch me, but I think that's only because I have about four inches on her. As self-centered as she can be, I don't think Rachel would hurt someone on purpose, unless that person stood in her way somehow. I'm pretty sure I'm not a threat to her at this point.

“I'll have you know,” Rachel began as we walked from partner exercises to recreation, “that I mean no ill will and would like to embark on a friendship if you'll have me.” To me that sounded like she was from the Victorian era and trying to get into my pants. Or under my skirt, either of which is not acceptable. Especially if she's a girl. “I have reassessed my assessment of your singing abilities and deduced that if you join myself and Finn at our voice training sessions, we could form a trio a la the Supremes. Of course, I would be Diana Ross and you and Finn would simply add another layer to my -”

“Rachel,” I growled to shut her up. “I don't care about my voice.”

She looked like I'd just told her I'd shot her puppy. “Quinn! Your attention to your voice symbolizes your attention to life!”

“Not everyone is as weirdly devoted to singing as you,” I snapped back. I'm not exactly proud whenever I have to unleash my inner bitch, but how could anyone expect me to get better with Rachel spitting out novels in front of my face?

“Yes there are!” She shouted those words as though she were trying to convince herself of something utterly ridiculous, like God didn't exist. That was all I heard from her for the moment. I seemed to have upset her somehow, because she went to go hang off of Finn's arm. He looked terrified and turned on at the same time. I rolled my eyes at them.

I don't understand why everyone here - Brittany and Santana, Finn and Rachel, Kurt and Mercedes, Puck and any willing female - is trying to form relationships instead of getting better. I'm just here to heal.

I just want my body to belong to me.


I've already made some new friends here at Sunnybrook, which is more than I can say for myself back home. Kurt is sweet and funny and kind of evil if you get on his bad side, but I'm not, so it's cool. Tina is really shy but still a good person once you get past the stutter and the panic attacks. She spends most of her time staring at Artie, who doesn't really show any emotion ever. We tried to talk to him earlier, include him in our group fun, but he snapped at us and wheeled away. Anyone of us could've caught him, of course, since his wheelchair doesn't exactly make for speedy trails. He just looked so much like he wanted to wallow in his own pain, though, so I just couldn't bring myself to go after him. Kurt suggested that the three of us have a manicure/gossip party in his and Artie's room later so that we could get to know each other better and rate all the boys in our group. He offered to rate girls, too, if Tina or I swung that way, but we don't, which he liked better because it meant he could just be catty to all of them.

And then there's Puck. He's horrible and annoying and Finn said last night he busted down their bedroom door and ran around the hospital naked. All of his bad behavior means that as a group we have to miss out on a lot of activities because we're supposed to be forming a “team bond” or something. Puck is like James Dean in Rebel Without a Cause, only he would have killed Buzz in cold blood before he ran his car off the cliff and he would not have been able to keep Natalie Wood. (What? Your dad didn't force you to watch old movies when you were too young to know better?) But he helps me hide my food, so I guess I can handle the fact that he talks to my chest instead of my face. At least he isn't out to get me like he's out to get Rachel. I overheard her telling Finn that this means Puck wants to take her on a date - one she won't accept because he's a douche.

Chick is whack, that's all I'm saying.


I had a panic attack at group therapy this morning when Mr. Schuester put Mercedes' life in my hands. I mean, I can't have that kind of responsibility. It's just too much. I have trouble being responsible for me, and now he thinks that I can handle helping Mercedes? No way. Mr. Schuester said that he's going to have me practice some controlled panic attacks where I mimic milder versions of all the symptoms. That made me hyperventilate, but I didn't go into a full on panic attack because Rachel and Quinn's yelling distracted me. For someone who isn't here for a personality disorder, Quinn's personality sure sucks. She's kind of rude to Rachel, even though everybody else is, too, but I don't think Quinn has as much cause to hurt her. Rachel just wants a friend. I would go be her friend, but Mercedes and Kurt both hate her as I learned in our gossip session. I also learned the proper skin care routine for my skin type and the right make-up to use for my skin tone and eye color. Kurt is a god.

We talked about boys for a long time, which made my mind go to Artie. I can't help but wonder what else there is to him. His suitcase was on the bed when Mercedes and I went to his and Kurt's room for the manicures. The hospital staff only let this happen because it's ten kinds of obvious that Kurt's gay; they still made us leave the door open, though. Artie's suitcase was filled with comic book memorabilia and all these classic rock albums. According to Kurt, his parents forced him to pack all that stuff so that maybe he could remember everything he used to like. I spent a bit of time going through his things, looking at all the Superman action figures and comic books I'd never heard of and even a half-finished robotics kit, while Mercedes and Kurt verbally bashed Rachel. I don't think she's that bad; she just has some issues. Just like we all do.



I think the door knobs are trying to kill me because I hear them whispering but then they stop when I get close. Puck broke one of them off yesterday when he was mad, and I heard it scream but I didn't care because I think they're evil. Rachel keeps trying to tell me that I'm crazy because door knobs and forks and bed sheets don't have lairinkzes (that thing in your throat...I don't know how to spell it) so they can't talk. I told her maybe her ears don't work right because I can hear them just fine. She left after that. Santana smells nice and is pretty. She's a good friend and scares Puck who likes to tease me since he's a meanie and likes to tease everyone. Did you know that when I was little I used to play with jungle cats? I rode them up and down my driveway but I couldn't do it for very long because it hurt their paws. They never got to take me to the jungle. Santana smiled at me during lunch and Artie smiled at me when I fell over on our hike, but I don't think that means he likes me. Puck said to me after, “Nice job, spaz. You got Evil Doctor Doom over here to smile. Just proves you're crazy.” I cried after that. Santana punched him. I smiled again.


I feel great today! We went on a hike and there was nature and happiness and I petted a squirrel! Only Mr. Schuester didn't like it because it might have rabies. And the squirrel didn't like it either because it ran away. I had a great practice with Rachel today! She told me that I'm getting better at singing, but that I should probably never dance if I want all of my limbs to remain unbroken. And then I got - well, I got really horny because Rachel is hot underneath her granny sweaters and how when I look at her I think she's gonna go Carrie on me if I ever mess with her. But anyway! She made me sing all these really weird songs by all these people who I think are all dead or at least really old - like my mom. But that was cool because we got to make out afterwards and I don't know who would want to make out with Rachel 'cause she's so annoying and I only did it 'cause she was there, but she was a good kisser. Like really! I bet you don't believe me - and she probably practices on her pillow or a teddy bear or something creepy like that. Well whatever. I had fun. And then Brittany and I ran around the living room together for, like, I don't even know how long! It was awesome. Puck sat on one of the couches and threw popcorn at us so I picked up Brittany and carried her over my shoulders until we almost knocked over Ms. Pillsbury. She told us in her not very authorized (is that the right word?) way that we needed to stop. Santana took Brittany, who was still spinning around like Taz the Tasmanian Devil. I got her to give me a high five. She gave me an angry face, but I still got one.


Group sucks. Especially with Quinn's stupid new “personality.” I think that's just BS, mostly cause this new one is a dude. I mean, what the fuck? She's not a fucking dude. She's a chick. And this new guy - Jonathon - is Kurt's new faggy best friend. I got really pissed at them today because I just couldn't handle anymore of their shit talk about clothes and hot pecs and like shut up. So I got up and shouted at them, “Keep your fucking faggot hands to yourself!”
Which must have been the wrong thing to say because “Jonathon” got up and was gonna beat me up or something. Yeah right. I could take “his” stupid ass any day, but Mr. Schue made us go sit down. But they wouldn't shut up! I just sat there with my hands pushed really hard against my ears because I couldn't take it anymore. Stupid fairies. And now I just want to die because Puck won't be quiet and my life sucks and there's no point and I just want some fucking quiet.


Breakfast: Lucky Charms, apple juice, pear (455 calories)
Lunch: Spaghetti w/ meatballs, orange soda (760 calories)
Dinner: Steak, mashed potatoes, milk, chocolate chip cookies (2170 calories)
Snacks: Potato chips (315 calories)
Total: 3700 calories
Finn is a tool bag imbecilic moron. A very cute tool bag imbecilic moron, but an imbecilic moron nonetheless. And I want nothing to do with him.

I much prefer Jonathon to Quinn. And when I say “much”, I mean an infinite amount. It's nice to finally talk to another gay guy - I know he has pretty much the same interests as Tina and Mercedes and all my female friends back home, but there's something liberating and warm about talking to another guy about guys. It makes me feel like maybe I'm not alone.



Abrams, Artie - Slight smiles occasionally; not much improvement. Collaboration with Tina Cohen-Chang seems to make him slightly more interested in things. More marked depression during sporting events. Not willing to participate, but will if forced.

Berry, Rachel - No improvement. Interaction with other students is grating. Gets along alright with Finn. Has animosity towards Quinn and is nice in a mother-daughter way to Brittany. May be romantically interested in Matt. Refuses to acknowledge her problem.

Chang, Mike - Good at hiding. Can tell that he's still working out, but it's hard to figure out when. Continues to eat the same portion size as when he got here, so still throwing up. Recommend supervised dining. Has found a friend in Matt.

Cohen-Chang, Tina - Shows willingness to change behaviors, but those behaviors and fears might prevent her from trying something new. Tags along with Kurt and Mercedes, but is much quieter than them. Biggest problem will be convincing her to use introceptive therapy.

Fabray, Quinn - Completely interested in getting rid of her personalities. Eliza is quiet and shows symptoms of a neglected and/or abused child. Jonathon is flamboyant and everything Quinn hates. Antoinette Annabelle has yet to make an appearance. Not interested in friendships, but is particularly antagonistic towards Noah and Rachel. Deeply religious, while neither Jonathon nor Eliza seem to share her beliefs.

Hudson, Finn - Long periods of normalcy with brief, intense bouts of manic and/or depressive states. Depressive state mostly includes irritability, self-annoyance, and desire for isolation. Manic shows unbridled joy and abnormal amount of energy. Gets along with Rachel.

Hummel, Kurt - No signs of improvement. Manipulative. Not willing to admit his problem. Friends w/ Mercedes and Tina. Hates Quinn, but bonded quickly w/ Jonathon. Dislikes Rachel. Encourages other to follow in his manipulative behavior. Recommend supervised dining

Jones, Mercedes - Interesting case. Her food disappears at every meal, but somehow I don't think it's being eaten. Starts off with a small portion. Friends w/ Kurt and Tina. Formed some sort of bond with Noah. Recommend group dining, but with a watchful eye.

Lopez, Santana - Really wants to gain impulse control. Already a violent person. Despises pretty much everyone, expect Brittany. Can put up with Quinn when she's not preaching. Personal attempts at controlling anger have failed.

Puckerman, Noah - No improvement or desire to change. Difficult to control. Shows warning signs that point to him possibly sexually assaulting one of the girls or staff in the future. Angry. Hates everyone except Finn and Mercedes. Particularly fixated on Rachel and Quinn

Rutherford, Matt - Extremely close to Mike. Forming a dependent relationship. Has gone on some “dates” with Rachel where she is in complete control. Doesn't want to change and likes his role with those two, though according to Mike he's cried in the middle of the night for his parents more than once.

Brittany - Most hallucinations and delusions focus on inanimate objects. Prone to crying. Bullied by Noah. Protected by Santana. Genuinely sweet, but very confused.


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