Nov 11, 2006 15:54

This weekend has been so boring. All I have done so far is sit home on my computer and type papers for school. What kind of a life is that? Hopefully it will get better within the next couple of hours. Tonight I'm suppose to go bowling. I'm on a bowling league through my church. It's only once a month. It's great because I'm on a league with my parents and my older sister who has moved out of the house and it gives us a chance to see eachother.

My boyfriend went upnorth friday to help his grandpa set up for hunting. His grandpa will be up there for a while but my boyfriend was suppose to come home early this morning. I haven't heard a thing from him and there are huge snow storms up there. I hope he's allright. I even asked his sister if she's heard anything from him when she was online but I didn't get a reply. Maybe he'll call soon.

Tomorrow it looks like I'm going to Soaring Eagle Casino again. This time with the entire family. I haven't even ever been up there with my family..haha It's always with my friends and their parents. So it shall be interesting. Maybe I'll actually win some this time. Now that would add excitement to my weekend-Me winning $1 million! Yeah, in my dreams.
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