Apr 10, 2008 15:57
Guess who gets to declare?? ME!! Yes, yours truly got a big fat YES from both the Music and the Theater departments in regards to not only me declaring my major, but also my thesis. I AM OFFICIALLY GOING TO BE THE FOURTH EVER MUSIC-THEATER MAJOR EVER TO GRACE REED'S HALLS!!!!!!!!!!!! Out of almost 100 years, I will only be student number four. Yes ladies and gentlemen, as soon as I fill out the form that I went to pick up from the registrar so that I can return it before David, Craig, and Kathleen change their minds and turn it in, I will be a Junior, with an official major and a musical in my future. My musical. In which I will perform and wow audiences campus-wide. Craig even said he was impressed by how prepared I was for the meeting and the next two years in general. What I didn't tell him is "Of course I'm prepared. I was afraid if I wasn't that you guys would say 'no!'" But yeah, they are impressed by my forethought, preparation, and general awareness of how fucking hard it is to do anything artistic at Reed. Also, I got David and Kathleen talking about other cool shit. I WIN! I'm off to go fill out forms, meet with Mark, and do a lot of dancing for joy. Anyone want to get together after 9pm and celebrate with me?? Just something small, but I'm going to need to celebrate in some way. Love and amazing academic joy,