Nov 20, 2010 13:01
So, I once said that my LJ was my place to complain, whereas FB is my censored life, so to speak. My parents are on FB, so I just don't like complaining because then they'll freak out. Also, if I want to complain about people, a lot of them are on FB, and I don't want to offend people, over the internet anyway. Therefore, I apologize for the bitching, but I want to say this, and my roommates are both on FB.
I went to bed late last night. Like around 5:00 a.m. It was my fault, I was working on a directing proposal that could have been put off, but I wanted to get some of it done. When I went to bed, I went to sleep completely thinking I'd sleep until I woke up. I've been up late the last couple nights, too, for various reasons, so I was really looking forward to getting like 10-12 hours of sleep because I have no commitments until 8:45 p.m. today.
So, I was sleeping, and I wake up because my roommates are talking. HAVING A FULL BLOWN CONVERSATION IN THE ROOM. Now, for those of you who don't know, I have a beautiful room. We have a kitchen, a living room, and a SEPARATE bedroom. I don't mind them talking. It's afternoon, and good for them for being awake, but WHY THE HELL CAN'T THEY GO INTO THE OTHER ROOM, CLOSE THE DOOR, AND TALK. It's like, I'm obviously trying to sleep here. If we had one room, I'd get it. Hell, even if they were actually lying down and talking, I'd get it. But they are sitting up, on the edge of their beds, and I'm trying to sleep. We have a couch and a bunch of chairs in the other room. Really?
This is the third time something similar has happened, too. I want to complain, but I keep thinking, "Isn't this common sense? Don't you realize this is rude?" I understand bursting into a room because you don't realize someone is sleeping, or quickly going in and out without closing the door because you need light, but seriously? I'm asleep, so go to another room to talk.