Title: Dance of Death series
Author: Fyre
Rating: Mostly X
Musical(s): Elisabeth/Tanz der Vampire
Disclaimer: You know, I'm mostly relieved that none of these characters belong to me. Kunze, Levay, Polanski & Steinman related stuff.
Notes: So I got inspired by Vienna Revival Death and Polish Herbert, since that Herbert looks like he would jump anyone vaguely pretty and that Death looked like he wouldn't particularly mind. And since I have it posted elsewhere, I thought it would be simpler to link to each chapter in order.
Chapter 1 -
PreludeChapter 2 -
NocturneChapter 3 -
PastoraleChapter 4 -
ElegyChapter 5 -
ObligattoChapter 6 -
ScherzettoChapter 7 -
TrioChapter 8 -