*click click booom*

Apr 21, 2004 09:43

God damned parents. This morning sucked because of them.

Ben Folds tonight at the pavillion. I can't go. Cause DURP, I have no priveleges.
Chronic Mass and From Autumn to Ashes are taking their turns being stuck in my head. It's like a merry-go-round of silly songs. Yes, very silly indeed. It's better than all those days about the time of Speech Fiesta when I had The Milkshake song stuck in my head.

I'm really tired. Also, my system is full of caffiene. Also, I have this wierd crush thing on a boy. And improbably boy, to say the least. It's silly and funny and lovely and creepy and wierd at the same time.

Four of the buddies that are online have names pertaining to the ocean:

renee [leet is stuuupid.] says:
Your name makes me feel silly because it's one of the four names of online friends that pertains to oceans. I think it is a growing trend.
My brain is a jellyfish swimming in the ocean of my head says:
lol well mines from a song so ...
renee [leet is stuuupid.] says:
Ahh, well. Perhaps you are just cooler than them,
renee [leet is stuuupid.] says:
Which song?
My brain is a jellyfish swimming in the ocean of my head says:
IT's one by the String Cheese Incident
renee [leet is stuuupid.] says:

Also: Tessa has contributed to my giddiness

renee [leet is stuuupid.] says:
Enid says:
howdy lady!
Enid says:
how are you?
renee [leet is stuuupid.] says:
I'm just delightful, and yourself?
Enid says:
good good, i am good. are you in school?
renee [leet is stuuupid.] says:
renee [leet is stuuupid.] says:
It is a short day, and we have a subtitue.
renee [leet is stuuupid.] says:
Enid says:
whoo hoo!!
renee [leet is stuuupid.] says:
Enid says:
this calls for a celebration!
Enid says:
renee [leet is stuuupid.] says:
renee [leet is stuuupid.] says:
renee [leet is stuuupid.] says:
They are so full of yummy deliciousness!
Enid says:
i agree. my favorite is the brown sugar cinamon kind.
renee [leet is stuuupid.] says:
Oh, yes. I also like The Smores.
Enid says:
ooooh! nice.
Enid says:
hehe...so what are you up to?
renee [leet is stuuupid.] says:
Everything but doing my homework.
Enid says:
what homework do you have?
renee [leet is stuuupid.] says:
Well, it's more like an in class assignment that I am making homework.
renee [leet is stuuupid.] says:
I am forgoeing it in order to listen to From Autumn to Ashes.
Enid says:
good choice
renee [leet is stuuupid.] says:
Yeah. I also have to update my journal thingy, which I think I might do.
Enid says:
renee [leet is stuuupid.] says:
renee [leet is stuuupid.] says:
I want to dance. THat is my top priority, which is why I look forward to band in ten minutes.
Enid says:
you get to dance in badn?
renee [leet is stuuupid.] says:
Not necessarily get to. I just do.
renee [leet is stuuupid.] says:
And it's more like frantic waving stuff and things.
Enid says:
hey, whatever works man
renee [leet is stuuupid.] says:
Yeah. It is fun.
renee [leet is stuuupid.] says:
Emily and I want to take a sumemr expedition to your apartmnt.
renee [leet is stuuupid.] says:
Enid says:
okay. we might have a different one. but yeah.
renee [leet is stuuupid.] says:
renee [leet is stuuupid.] says:
It will be silly.
renee [leet is stuuupid.] says:
I just know it.
renee [leet is stuuupid.] says:
Because I will be there!

I have to go play with maracas in band.

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