[drabble] a prelude to something horrible

Dec 20, 2010 21:46

The 14th was tired.

It sort of surprised him, how the feeling crept up and wormed its way beneath his skin.

There was something numb, and cold to this feeling of 'tired'. The trails it left behind in his muscles hurt, and the cracks it spread through his body burned at the edges like coldfire.

This 'tired' feeling had been curling through his chest for a few weeks now. Ever since Ku--the thought was struck down with a venomous feeling. This had nothing to do with.. that person. Nothing to do with his decisions or the rumors that had spilled from others' lips.

Nothing at all.

Which didn't explain why 14th was avoiding him.

It didn't explain why he was avoiding anyone who looked like him.

14th shook his head, stopping his playing to lean against the wall. He didn't want to think about it. Thinking about it made that feeling... no, it didn't hurt.. it just crackled and drove through him like spikes of ice.

It was the music that hurt. That was it. Not the feeling. That didn't hurt.

The music wasn't flowing right. He was just having an off... few weeks.


The music was so bad that he was hearing things too. Voices contained in the strange music that always surrounded his thoughts...

"Sir...? I was jus' wonderin'..."

14th straightened from where he was leaning on the wall, slowly turning in his seat on the piano bench.

The small redheaded boy stood, looking more unsure now that the man was actually looking at him... "Ah, I di'n't mean t'bother you.." Walker wringed his hands, shuffling off to the side. Maybe this wasn't a good idea.

But Walker's appearance gave 14th another idea.

Or rather, a mix of feelings, thoughts, and emotions without the clarity most people would call an 'idea'.

In his mind, this 'idea' swirled around and found those cracks, burns, and that 'tired' feeling and melded to it. Surely this would make that feeling go away, right?

After all, this little boy and the 14th, they were the same person, right? Different times, different memories, but that song was the same. It blended right into itself making a single, horrible melody. Twisted and hurt, broken and half crazy, but a melody none the less--just a rather haunting one.

His mind jumped from thought to thought, emotion to emotion, running on in many tangents all at once that collided into the thought that maybe... maybe he could fix this. No, he was going to fix this.

After all, when did the 14th ever play by the rules?

Everything would be okay.

Even if nothing was okay.

!ic - dgmdr, !drabble

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