Show Recap
Tonight, which technically was yesterday (6/18), I filmed Echelon's final show. I used a two camera setup. Each camera had a fisheye lense on it. I was on the left side of the band while my good friend Daniel Danger ( took the right side of the stage. I know I got some killer shots and Dan informs me that he got the same. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with this footage. I'll probably make a DVD out of it and have Dan do some artwork for me and give it to the band or something. I'll try and post some footage at some point (Ben from
Zipper has offered to let me use some of his webspace so it might come up).
New Project
Speaking of Daniel Danger, I scored a new project with him from his band
The Hue Of Two. It'll be a live performance of a song shot from (hopefully) five different angles and put on as an enchanced part of a cd they will be releasing. I'm going to be buying a mini-disc recorder and a good microphone real soon to record the audio with it. You can expect more news on that as it gets closer. Looks like the shooting date will be sometime in August, when they come down here to tour.
Project Update
Since it is technically the 19th, I will be headed down to Slaughter House Studios tomorrow with
No Wave Radio to finish up filming the recording of their new album Loose Heart's Ghost. There is even a possibility you might see me in the video as I might just give percussion a chance. Exciting.
Random News
I'm going to be looking into creating a website for myself soon. I'm looking to make "" after my production company I'm Macon Movies. If that happens, this journal will cease to be updated. Well, maybe I will still use it. I'm not totally sure. But, with my own website, I will be able to host video and photos plus anything else that might be related to the project. So, if anyone can help me, I'm looking for any information on how to go about this whole process. I've got some ideas of who to talk to. If any of you can help me though, that would be fantastic.