(no subject)

Jul 12, 2010 12:35

WOD 2 - 9am.
Tabata (20secs work/10 seconds rest 8 rounds of each exercise before moving to the next for 8 rounds)

I ripped the shit out of my hands during pullups. Seriously, it's very stigmata-esque.
Overall score 38. Add up lowest number of reps each round for each exercise and that is the score. So my lowest numbers for each exercise was 4-10-11-13. So, about middle range. I took it.
Then we did a team workout.
1 person on the rower (pace setter) 250M row (which for me is about 45 - 50 seconds). Then run around the building.
Another person doing KB hold (53lb)
Another person doing squat hold.
Another person doing Medicine Ball Slams (20lb)
Another person doing Burpees.
Rotate until everyone has rowed & ran.

I have to say that running after rowing sucks a LOT.

But, at least now i'm done for the day. and am ridiculously tired. yay
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