God, why today?

Mar 21, 2005 11:58

You scored as Cruella De Ville. Your alter ego is Cruella De Ville! You hurt little puppies and have bad hair... shame on you!

Cruella De Ville
Snow White
Peter Pan
Sleeping Beauty
Donald Duck
The Beast

Which Disney Character is your Alter Ego?
created with QuizFarm.com

Wow, that has to be amazing, for I have a Cruella De Ville shirt.  Anyway, I would just like to give out my early goodbyes to all my friends on Live Journal and who read this.  Sadly, I am not going to return to the computer in about three months.  Yes, three months.  And why?  Government.  Its quite obvious that I am failing, and that my parents do not approve.  Yes, just for maintaining excellent grades in all my other classes, well maybe not excellent but better than last years and the year before, I am getting kicked off the computer for three months because of it.

You see, today came the admitting of a whole bunch of things.  In 6th hour, I was writing with my head down, taking notes in Mr. Tater's class.  Well, some kids wanted to either get Brit in trouble--who is on the left of me, sleeping--in trouble.  So they call out to Mr. Tater that the "dragons are sleeping".  Mr. Tater rallys on us, telling us to take off our "babuskas" (hoods), and pay attention.  I for one, am not wearing a fucking hood/hat!  It would be Brit as the culprit.  So, I sit a bit more up, make it evident that I am writing.  And I say outloud, "I am not wearing a hood, what are you on?"

I don't get an answer... typical.  So I shrug it off, and go back to work on my packet.

So, then about five minutes later, the same kids say, "the dragons are sleeping".  Mr. Tater tells Brit and I to "wake up", and to take notes.  I say rather loudly, "I am taking notes, seriously..."  So one of the kids contradicts me by saying, "She was sleeping", so I turn to him ferouciously, and yell, "DO YOU WANT A BET?"  Everyone in the class wakes up, and they are like, "woah!"  Mr. Tater tells them to stop.  I guess that really didn't do anything, but I continued to feel quite agravated the rest of the hour.

I come home and tell my father, vividly, what I feel, how I have been feeling.  Upset over the fact that Brit is getting a better grade in the class, and a million other things.  I tell my mother about the grading, everything else that Mr. Tater does, and the grading.  Oh, I also show her the lovely grading sheet of everyone in the class.  I am at a 58.0, two points away from a D-.  Well, the thing is, if I don't acheive a good grade by the end of this week or after spring break, I get the computer taken away from me.

Yeah, I know it is my fault, but I don't understand it.  I have tried ALL YEAR, DAMN IT, to keep all my grades over a C.  And I have, and ever since I have been in Goverment, they have blasted me!! I am getting an E, and all my other grades are currently over a C.  WHY? This is just a really stupid semester for me.  And my mother says that she'll, in this case, tollerate a D-.  God, I need those two god damn points. *cries*  Going to turn in some more extra credit, and I will see where that will get me.

I apologize for everyone I am being a real bitch to, I don't wish to do it intentionally.  I am just PMSing.  People on message boards, people at school, and friends advice is becoming too much for me.  I feel that one day, I will just burst, and something bad will happen.  When I yelled at that kid, a manical laughter over took me, and Brit was like, "wtf?"  I think I enjoy yelling, finding pleasure in being a bad ass.  I seriously want to talk to my counciler.

Okay, this does not mean I am going to freak and do something to myself.  No, I just feel like something will just happen, and I cannot stop it.  Like I will get a referral.  Or, worse.  The one thing my mother hates is when the school calls the house.  It happened when I got suspended the last two times.  Yes, I have gotten suspended.  Gossip, was the case, and it lies on my permanent record right now... When my teacher who called innocently for a talk with my mother, saying how good I was doing in her class, my mother was afraid to talk to her.  Just because she was afraid that she was going to say I got suspended or I got in trouble.

... Anyway, that is basically it.  I just want to say a small farewell--early one--if that happens.  I love you all, and I promise at school, and after school I'll write you some emails.  *huggles all*  Love you.

I have been writing my fan fic, and I am really enjoying it right now.  Autumn likes it, and she envies my writing talent.  I'd admit that I can form the ideas in my head, but when it comes to grammar--hell no.  *sigh*  That is something else I need to work on this summer.  I got a whole bunch of books from used booksales this weekend.  I just finished one I got from a book sale, "The Nanny Diaries", and it was a pretty good book.  Odd ending, but still it was a good read, and I couldn't put it down.  Right now, I am reading "The Divine Comedy: Dante's Inferno".  It's the most complexed poem I have ever read, and so indepth, but I am loving it.

Okay, admitting something to all.  I have promised John to go to his birthday party, and a couple days later, Brit asked me to be in her movie--she needs my help.  I really want to help Brit, but I cannot seem like a bitch and go back on my word of going to John's birthday party.  What is even worse, is I don't have a present so I am going to make him some CD's.  I don't know if he'll like them, but hopefully he might.  But in the end, I know it will be my choice of what I do, and nobody elses.

So, this has to be a pretty damn long entry.  But I am sure you all stuck with me, and enjoyed my lovely little rant.  But hey, I can be happy.  Just remember in school, everything I do is almost a facade.  I want to show everyone I can remain happy, but in the inside, I am falling apart.

To a happier note, I burned Christina the Phantom soundtrack for her birthday, cause she went to see it with me (since she couldn't go to the LIVE one) and she loves it.  It shocked me/made me happy when I saw that she was reading the book--she found it at the school library.  She is so excited, and I am so happy for her.  Phantom is an amazing musical for her to get into, and I hope she understands the book somewhat... It took me three hours, non-stop, to explain the Phantom of the Opera book, Phantom by Susan Kay, and the two stupid Phantom of the Opera novels:  Progeny and Phantasy.  If she wants to read those/watch my many movies, I shall offer them graciously.  But I am quite pleased. :)

I also want to see a movie this week/end, so whoever wants to go see a movie, I am finally 17!! R-movies, yay!  Or, if you just want to see a regular movie, fine.  That reminds me, I have to take Morgan to see Phantom of the Opera.  I'll ask her about it over spring break.  Anothe thing, I am going to get all of us together, and re-film our Phantom film with the BB's.  Yeah, we're idiots.  But seriously, this summer I am going to be so bored.  But when we get into our movies again, it shall be amazing!!

I guess this journal started off depressing, and it lightened up somewhat!! I guess I just really needed to write, and say anything on my mind.  Which was good, cause I tried writing a note to Autumn, but that was 6th hr... Government.

Anyway, Elton John is blasting, and I am feeling quite pleasant now.  Thank you for reading, and if you leave comments, I'll read them.  And to a reply on my last entry--Yes, I do write long entries, but I guess that will be changing soon.  *shrugs*

I remain your obedient friend,
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