
Feb 11, 2013 23:15

I'll be 29 in a few months, and I'm only now about to experience the death of a pet. My family didn't have any pets until I'd moved out (I always joked Kitty was my replacement), so when Kitty died earlier this year, it meant nothing to me. But I've lived with Alex for almost 5 years now, and knew him as a kitty before that. It's going to be weird without him around.

We've known for a while he's been dying. He's been to the vet a couple times in the last six months, and they didn't find much but you could tell he was diminishing. Just yesterday he and Charis were playing together, but today he was barely moving, let you pick him up, and didn't rearrange himself when you laid him down. The difference is stark, and scary. Melissa says that's how Sophie was the night before she died. I find myself wondering right now if he's still alive down there as I get ready for bed, if he'll still be there in the morning, if he'll last the week.

I feel like an idiot, because many people have experienced pet deaths when they're younger, but here I am, just now learning what it's like.

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