Day 14 -- A non-fictional book
This book single-handedly got me interested in environmental education, and was the fuel for the greatest paper I've ever written. After we read it in class last year the author, Richard Louv, spoke at Sarah Lawrence, and I thought I was going to pee myself. Brilliant.
Day 15 -- A fanfic
I've gotten pretty out of the fanfic loop lately, so I don't want to just go find a random one to put here, because then it wouldn't mean anything. However, I can still remember the very first fanfic I ever read. It was in 8th grade, and it was Wicked and it was about Elphaba and Fiero riding with the Wizard in the balloon back to Kansas and starting a new life there, and the whole world was in the black and white. Looking back I have no idea if it was even remotely well written, but it was the first fanfic I ever read, and I was pretty into it.
Day 16 -- A song that makes you cry (or nearly)
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This and the entirety of Last Five Years (which I saw last night, which the ex assistant directed) I'm having a bit of trouble with right now.
Day 17 -- An art piece (painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.)
Beauty by Olafur Eliasson A picture cannot begin to do this justice.
Day 18 -- Whatever tickles your fancy
Dark Chocolate PEANUT M&M's. They complete me.
Day 19 -- A talent of yours
When I'm NOT suffering from lame things like mono, I can eat... like, a lot. I take great pride in this. I'm currently scheduled, sometime when I can actually eat again without being in pain, to have a steak eating contest with a guy in my cast. Oh Andy is going down.
I'm also apparently very good at making hedgehog faces. Go figure.