Aww, man, everything has been in chaos lately.
I went to Birmingham for the gig, the writeup hasn't even made it onto Facebook yet (although considering the fact that I've been promising to do a writeup for Accio Wrock which was at the end of JULY and it is now almost NOVEMBER I wouldn't hold your breath...darn, I bet I've forgotten all the best bits about that. I'm still not even finished my writeup from the August 16th gig...though that's because it's languishing in draft form on my fb notes. Besides, the gig part is almost all done, I think. The drunk guy on the bus, however, should be interesting to write about. I'm quite good at getting gasps and looks of horror from my audience whenever I tell it XD I like that.)...the gig was awesome :-) I won't say "epic" but it was pretty amazing. Some quick notes on it:
1) I got to see Luna Wants a Longbottom live again. It made me VERY happy. And I got them on video! (even though all my footage is hideously dark. Stupid mood lighting. Must remind Tim that lights have to be proper bright next time. Grrr) And their actions are HILARIOUS. They sing this one song where they're talking about walking and they do walking-on-the-spot...and their actions in "Lily" are just hilarious. Zoe and I joined in a bit :P Zoe was a bit self conscious about it though I think XD I didn't care. I was a bit tipsy, to be fair. Silly lightweight me.
2) Speaking of Zoe - I finally got to hear "It's Real For Us", my favourite song of hers, live!!! It made me VERY happy. Right after she finished and people stopped clapping she said "Right, Lauren, now you've heard it live!" and I was like "YAY!" and people were amused.
3) I amused people a lot in general. I went to change into my Halloween costume - because despite being a couple of weeks too early, it was officially a Halloween gig - and fell over twice. And then overbalanced a few times after that, too. Shut up XD
4) Siriusly Hazza P didn't play their cover of Save Ginny Weasley From Dean Thomas!!! Made me sad. They did however play arguably their funniest song, The Ballad of John Simons, so that's ok then.
5) Ruby (of LWALB) is insane. We knew that already but she cemented that by telling us in graphic detail how she got a nosebleed when she was jogging...and then she was like "OK, we're ready to play the next song!" and we were all like "Dude, there was no point to that story? THAT is your idea of idle chitchat to kill time? XD". It was pretty amazing.
So yeah, NaNoWriMo starts soon...I still have nothing for it, so that should be interesting. The only time I've "won" before it was pure, utter crap. So I'm not exactly thrilled, but I know the exercise of the writing muscle (as they say...I forget which book that was from) should do me good. I'm going to a NaNo meet-up tonight actually, here in Glasgow...I have to take a different bus home than usual because the express buses stop running at 6 :-S so it should be...interesting. Anyway, I'm pretty nervous about the meetup. I'm hoping people there might be interested in Harry Potter. I SO want to start a Glasgow HP group. It sucks having my friends be so far away...
Anyway, no complaining! Lol. I've been busy doing nothing all weekend, it seems. My self-taught guitar skills are getting better. I can play a speeded-up "I Am A Wizard" as well as "Pansy (You Are The Girl of My Dreams)", "Potions Yesterday", "My Dad Is Rich" and "Save Ginny Weasley From Dean Thomas (which, HOORAY. I <3 that song). I can almost play "Ginny Gets Around"...the B continues to elude me, even with Paul and Abby's advice on alternative (cheating) ways to play it. Darn it. Anyway, it's all good fun.
Zoe mentioned an epic live Malfoy Manor performance and asked me to play drums. I can't believe it's been over two years since I've played. I miss it. I think if she gets it together I'll do it :)
I can't think of much else. We're planning "Wrock the Loch", basically a wizard rock sing-along at Loch Ness, for next month. It's turning out quite expensive for people to come! Sad. At this point it's looking like me, Christie, Dinah, David, Quinn and James with an acoustic guitar XD although Tim's hoping to come too, which is awesome. <3 Tim.
...oh, and HatP have a version of Save Ginny Weasley in SPANISH on their Myspace!!! I was like "ZOMG!" and hastened to snag it, and I let Harny and Amy hear it in the Communities lecture this morning XD they were just like "Um, ok." Amy was like "So you really like Harry Potter then?" Given that I just let her hear HatP, I was raving about the "Hufflepuffs For Obama" and the like, banners that they made, and I'm wearing my freaking HP Alliance tshirt XD I was like "Oh, yeah, just a little." Silly Amy. You can tell we don't talk much XD everyone else is well used to it now.
I know that I'm totally rambling, sorry. I'm so nervous about's been a while since I met people IRL that I hadn't already met online, that I really want to like me. That's kind of sad, isn't it? On the plus side, I found someone online the other day through a HSM community who likes wizard rock (in your face Rae, HSM is SO useful XD) and that's awesome. I'm hoping she'll make it to the Yule Ball, though I plan to make Skype introductions before then. I believe a resurrection of the Slug Club is in order!!
...Yep, I'm just that sad XD I'm off to finish my August 16th gig write-up while I remember. Peace out.
PS. Livejournal spotlight totally wins again:
I'm sorry, what was that? I couldn't hear you over my TRAGIC PAST