High School Musical In 10 Minutes = MADE OF WIN.
"I don't like to be social because it's against my stereotype."
"Cool, see you on Myspace!"
"Hey, there she is, coincidentally in my class and in a completely different location than winter break!"
"I can't, I have to practise my stealth and creep away. To the auditorium."
"Oh no, my music is exploding!!"
"What are we gonna do?"
"Burst into spontaneous song and dance?!"
"Get a freaking haircut for the sequel!"
"I thought we had something! What came between us?"
"Your hair, dude. it's too big."
"Now we can all pretend we like each other!...Hey, friend of Gabriella. Let's hook up. Mostly because everyone else is taken, and we're both black."
I freaking agree. Also just discovered
High School Musical 2 commentary and just about died laughing at that too, what with the "I love that they wrote I Don't Dance for the two best dancers in the cast. Wow, Chad and Ryan are flirting before the game even starts. That's hot.
Best, gayest dance number ever. Look at those boys swinging their phallic symbols and getting all up in each other's personal space and...guh. AND COLLAPSING ON TOP OF ONE ANOTHER. AND WEARING EACH OTHER'S CLOTHES! Clearly they had sex in the locker room."
Dude, I totally agree.
...I'm even willing to write fanfic that backs it up. In fact, I'm longing to XD But I do have an essay to do, so yeah.
In the only other news I have atm, 1) I heart LJ for the fanmixes, and 2) think it's lame no more basic accounts will be created, and 3) have a 2,000-2,500-word essay to write for Thursday about transnational corporations ruling the world. And I'm actually EXCITED about this. *facepalm* Oh my God, I'm such a media geek.
Finally, I spent £9.19 on magazines today (Web User, Wired and New Scientist) and Joe, the ex, was all "New Scientist? I thought you were an IT girl?" to which I went "OMGWTFDUH?!" or would have done had I been on IM. I was rather more stunned at this point, and at a bus stop, so I simply referred him to the icon I have on my personal account - "If you can't do it online, use magic". Because that's me all over...I just love to KNOW stuff, particularly technological stuff. Or media stuff. Or you know, anything interesting. I know stuff about the history of antidepressants, which is random as hell, but it's always funny to comment "Oh yeah, maybe it's all right that you can take it with Prozac and not that, after all Prozac is a different kind, it's an SSRI," and watch people's faces. My mother's was pretty awesome, actually, after that comment XD
Ah dear. Carol, I'm turning into you with my random "make comment, then sit back and watch the result". Loves.