Oct 17, 2005 23:34
After watching yet another poorly done "scary" movie, I have decided that I have an obligation to someday, somehow, make a scary film. I skipped out on work today, and goofed off most of the day. I felt like I deserved it after a 55 hour work week last week with no overtime pay. So I played some scales on the piano, played with legos, and pretty much just chilled out. It was very nice. I think doing the above mentioned activities revived my latent creative juices, because I don't feel like going to sleep. My mind is racing, and I want to Create something. Unfortunately, I have yet to develop any talent or skill with painting/drawing/writing/story-telling/etc. So, now I just feel like crying... boo hoo. Oh well, someday I might just amount my creativity into something to be enjoyed by others. But, until that day, I will simply spend the occasional night wrestling with my creativity. How sad a thing... (sigh)