stolen from jolteh and other stuff.

Sep 25, 2008 00:04

Who Are You?

Name: it's-a me, Maaaaaario

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

Rising Sign: is that like the middle finger?

Birth Year: 1989

Birthplace: a hospital near Mineola

Hometown: Syosset.

Is your Hometown a small town, rural town, suburb, city, or inner-city: ultimate suburb.

Highschool(s): Syosset High, or as i like to call it Satan's weenis.

Are you the eldest, middle, youngest or only child?: Oldest.

Heritage: european on my boots.

What Do You Look Like?

Hair Color: mousey brown

Eye Color: brown, sometimes with a jade ring around the outside.

Skin tone: white.

Face Shape: wonky. one eye is physically higher than the other on my skull.

Height: 5'3 or 5'4

Weight: 95 +/-, 100 +/- if i eat like a piggy.

Shoe size: 8ish.

What Makes You Tick

What aspect of your personality do you like best?
my biting wit.

Which aspect of your personality do you like the least?
i'm anxious and paranoid.

What are some things about other people that annoy you?
people that're just a little TOO friendly. and are so ignorant/stupid/self-centered/whatever that they think that you giving them common courtesy is secret code for I WANT TO TELL YOU ALL MY DEEPEST SEKRETS AND BE BESTEST FRIENDS.

What are some things about you that might annoy people?
truth be told....people have made up shit that i've supposedly done so that they can be annoyed for a "legitimate" reason. don't worry about it, though....i know where their dorm room is. ;) soon as i can score a few super soakers and a roll of duct tape it'll be taken care of.

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
i think i wanted to be Carmen Sandiego as a kid. she had an awesome hat.

What is your favorite time of day?
that moment just before you wake up....when you begin to stir, lick the sleep-dryness off your mouth....that's the moment i'm at my most relaxed.

Are your parents still together, never were together or divorced:

How do you handle arguments/disagreements with other people?

Would say you are more extroverted or introverted?

Are you spiritual? If yes, is your spirituality influenced by organized religion?
i'm jewish for only eight days.

Name one of your physical traits that you would change if you could:
i'd increase my flexibility and stamina stats.

Name one of your physical traits that you really like:

Name something you’d like to do before you die:
become filthy stinking rich and famous and convince a hot dude that i am the goddess of sex incarnate.

If you could go back in time to any point of history, where would you go and why?
80s. people were much more chill then. also i'd try to save the world and score with some hot 80s rocker. i have great priorities guys.

Have you ever experienced anything supernatural?
Not really.

Are you close to your family members?
love my mommy and grandma and my youngest brother. everyone else is kinda meh.

Name some things in life that you are afraid of?
huge bugs in the shower crawling on me....o_o oh and death....and crapping myself in public.

What is your biggest life issue right now?
doing well in class and remembering to eat despite not getting many cravings for food.

What Do You Like?

Colors: blue.

Scents: apple cinnamon, night time rain, sugar cookies.

TV Channels: anything with like Judge Judy esque shows. they're like crack for me.

Cars: don't drive.

PC Games: don't have any....need to check out spore....prolly for holidays though.


Beverages: lately i've been drinking mountain dew....i like diet dr pepper best though.

Game Consoles: DS and the Wii. but i play gcn games and old games on the wii too so nyeh.

Concerts: never been. too crowded.

Conversation Topics: talking about random pointless shit or having indepth conversations about censorship and sex throughout history.

Newspapers: newspapers smell strange

Magazines: Nintendo Power biatch.

Flowers: i like lilies and lotuses (lotii?)

Radio Stations: boo radio.

Jewelery: i bought this nifty little's flippy. :D

Restaurants: teppanyaki.

Clubs: no.

Websites: elljay and deeay

CDs: Who Killed Amanda Palmer

Vacation spots: Aruba or Disney World

TV commercials: DIABEETUS.

Radio Commercials: fail.

Museums: the Met.

Stores: Newbury Comics.

Outdoor Activities:

Do You Like...

Seafood? hibachi shrimp is yummy...

Sushi? no.

Mexican Food? eh.

Italian Food? Yes.


Japanese Food? Yes.

German Food? never had.

Greek Food? ditto.

Polish Food? wow i'm uncultured.

Mongolian Food? seriously guys.

Barbecue? meh.


Soul Food? what?

Vegan Food? no.

Cake? makes me feel sticky.

Cheese? Yes.

Jalapenos? never had.

Artichokes? Artichoke my chicken what? no.

Caesar Salad? no.

Anchovies? no.

Rabbit? omg never D:

Deer? omg bambiiii D:

Bison? never had.

Lamb? meh.

Duck? Never tried.

Do You Play...

Baseball? No.

Softball? No.

Basketball? No.

Football? No.

Hockey? No.

Monopoly? oh i used to be a beast at Monopoly Jr.

Checkers? No.

Chess? only against the computer these days.

Scrabble? i remember once i played with my friend at school and she put down FARTED and we argued about the ED ending. everyone else was trying to butt in about FART but we were just arguing about whether she could put down the ED.

Trivial Pursuit? Disney Trival Pursuit, something else i beasted.

Poker? Not well.

Guitar? no.

Flute? no.

Clarinet? no.

Piano? i can pick out the Song of Time from Legend of Zelda.

Violin? tried in like the 3rd grade and faaaaaailed.
also....both classes got cancelled for was kinda spooky :O

meme, lolwut

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