Apr 12, 2007 22:30
-- I don't know which way I'm going - I don't know what I've become ---
---This song is a great song basically discussing how long you can wait for someone who you think is meant to be in your life- I agree with the song because I feel like most of the time, we "settle" for Mr or Mrs. "Right Now" rather then waiting it out for Mr or Mrs. "Right " - This seems to happen in a lot of peoples lives and NOT anymore for me - I was torturing myself a bit ago looking at my highshcool sweethearts Wedding photos- Facebook really is a great way to spy ! ha ha - Well he looked happy and I am glad- Not only has he gone from Athiest to Catholic, but he is still living in Gville -- Shocking but true- We had big plans together, being musicians together, and basically going to UF together- that worked well, don't ya think ? ha --
HIs family was crazy - My mom didn't get along with any of them but he taught me a lot about myself and about what I did NOT want in someone- Thank god we were a long distacne thing because I don't think his EGO and myself would have worked in close proximity-
--I feel old at times like that because I look back on life back in the day- How different things were back then versus how they are now - -
=----Its like the whole world is spinning and I am stuck in the same place ---
I accomplished so much back then and now what do I have ? Not much - --
After watching something called The Brick Awards I realize that we all really need to put all the pety BS aside and get out there and CHANGE THE WORLD -- These awards are basically given out to kids who change their community by creating groups or by volunteering,etc. I really do plan to help more on the Darfur efforts, Global warming, and just in the community -- I am on all of these committes in my email, now All I need is a car to get it all done -- Soon Soon Soon --
I think our generation can change the world as we know it and that is exciting :-) for sure ---
---- Nothing new to report in life other then really hurting a muscle in my back - Have no idea but I have been using the heating pad all week -- ---
The ORANGE AND BLUE football game is Saturday and for once I can say I don't give a crap :-) NOrmally I would care, but I Am SO over football --- Miss basketball though :-(
----On another side note, my friend took his shitty gf back this past week - He is taking her word right now over everyone else - Good luck to him and hopefully I won't have to say "I told ya so " ---
But I am still here for all my friends who want me to listen ......
---I don't have any new " love" interests and I am happy about that -- I am single and thats how I want to be for right now --for sure !!
I am happy most of my friends are in happy relationships right now -- good for them for sure :-)
Most recently my "first bf ever" is dating a new girl in Ft Myers- good for him --glad we are still able to be friends at least:-)
---Thats all for now --The weekend is here and I have no plans ---
Oh well ----- thats the luck I have - - :-)
---Things happen for a reason so I just tell myself my luck will be getting better soon ----