Today Melissa
missykitty0115 and I decieded... well, I called her and asked her if she wanted to go to the thrift store that's in Hempstead. We got there only to realize that we didn't have any reason to be there...
The gheto Stop & Shop that we pass on the way there... I didn't have time to zoom in 'cause the light had turned green. Green means go. xD
Stopped at another red light this bumper sticker was on the back of the car in front of us.... I don't know what it means or what it's about lol.
On the way back from the thrift store we went to the fabric store and looked at patterns for out [hopefully] Versailles cosplay ^_^ We bought a pattern cause it was on sale for under 2$ when it'd normally be 15$ but it was the wrong one... we're gonna go back tomorrow and see if we can exchange it even though the sale's over :P
In other news - I has a new layout!!!
musical_shadowIt's really exciting cause I've had the same lame layout since I got an lj. All thanks go out to Mei for helping me change it ^_^ Gracias.