So, for the facebook-event-thing for X Japan in New York City the tag line is "the most epic thing that will ever happen anywhere"
I feel like there should be periods between all the words to make it that. much. more. dramatic.
Yeah. That made me really hyper. XD
Then I drank soda. I don't know why - I don't really drink soda a lot, let alone caffinated soda.
*bouncy, bouncy, bouncy*
NYSSMA on Thursday. I'm sooo not ready.
Fucking prom.
Look - it's my spine
... well, not mine really, but similar.
I don't even know where I got that picture. Well, I remember looking up things about contortionists and backbending and there was text with that picture that explained that there's just more room for the cartilage to move or something like that. I don't know - I still don't know how I can do that and bones don't crack >_> Look - it looks like the bones should be hitting up against one another, yet it's the most comfortable thing in the world.