I Read The News Today part 6

Jun 17, 2010 19:31

George throughout the entire night kept a vigil over John, waking him when necessary. Holding the trash can when John’s nausea rose to where he couldn’t keep it down any longer. George even mopped John’s brow when he was done vomiting. Once or twice through the night John was extremely hard to wake up and that scared George to death. Jenny stumbled into the room somewhere around 2 a.m. clutching her pillow to her chest. George immediately jumped up and steered her towards his bed. Jenny made a sound of discontent and unsteadily made her way over to John. George sighing shook John’s shoulder praying that he would wake up easily. John woke up easily enough and looked around the room more aware that he had been the entire evening. “George,” John muttered struggling to sit up “What happened today I feel as if I have a bloody Jackhammer going through my head.” John complained as Jenny sat down next to him on the bed. John lifted his blanket and ushered Jenny into the bed and to snuggle into his side. Draping his arm around her he looked to George for an answer. “Well I was on my way over to your Aunt Mimi’s house to practice, and I heard screaming from down your drive. Anyroad I looked into the window and I saw Mimi throw Jenny into the wall. I ran to your neighbor’s house and used the phone to call me da and I went back to your house. I looked into the window again to see Mimi hit you with a lamp and walk out of the room. I opened the door and helped Jenny up to get your things and I tried to wake you up. Then me da came and we helped you to the car and brought you here to stay with us for a while.” George explained while sitting on his bed. George was peering over at Jenny who was snuggled up to John’s side “Jenny are you feeling better?” he asked kindly “No, I just got scared and wanted to see if John was okay.” Jenny whimpered. John looked down at his sister before he adjusted her before lying down again. George leaned over to tuck both John and Jenny into the bed, before turning out the light and settling into his own bed. George’s mother woke the teenagers up telling them “I have breakfast ready on the table and Paul and Stu and Pete are on their way over to practice before you all leave for Germany. It will be a couple days yet before you can leave; I’ll wash your clothes before you leave. Oh and because of John’s concussion he’ll have headaches on and off for maybe a month.” Mrs. Harrison said shaking the teens. George and John woke up easily, but Jenny, not being a morning person, didn’t feel like getting up again and just rolled over. John started laughing and prodded her “John,” she whined “I’m tired, please leave me alone.” Jenny complains. John laughs again and says “Girl you need to wake up Mrs. Harrison made brekkie and we have practice in a few hours” John exclaimed shaking his sister. Jenny sighed and climbed out of the warm bed, pulling her hair back with a rubber band. The trio made their way slowly down stairs stopping to rest when John’s head started to spin. The group sat and ate waiting for the last three of the band to arrive. Paul arrived first and just walked into the house. “Good Morning Mrs. Harrison,” Paul said kissing her cheek and walking into the kitchen “Morning Paul dear, there’s breakfast on the table and the kettle is on” Stu and Pete arrived in that fashion after a few minutes and the 6 of them went into the front room slowly to practice. Jenny sat as close to John as she could and George sat on the other side of her. Paul noticed how pale Jenny looked and he didn’t like the color of John either. “John,” Paul asked worriedly “What did you do last night John you’re awfully pale.” Paul peered into John’s face which made Jenny giggle “Had a bit of a fight with Mimi, I’ve got a bit of a headache right now…bit of a pounder really. I actually would like to practice so that I can go back to bed.” John said looking back down to his sister. Jenny stood up and before George can protest she left the room, only to return a few minutes later with a bottle and a glass of water. Jenny opened the bottle and shook out a few pills before handing them and the glass to John and sat back down next to him. Paul looked from Jenny over to John, who was resting with his eyes closed, and back over to Jenny. “John what really happened you’ve never been here before me, you’re the color of the bleedin’ wall behind you and Jenny isn’t speaking and trying to be in your skin the way she is curled up next to you.” George looked surprised at Paul’s outburst and looked over to John and Jenny. George got up and crossed the room and put his guitar back in its case and walked over to John. “John,” George said softly “Johnny I don’t think you’re up to this right now, maybe not tomorrow either-George.” John cut off “No, we are going to Germany and we need to practice, I’m okay.” John protested weakly before resting his head on Jenny’s. “John,” Jenny said “You’re not ready for this. Let’s just take the next few days and take it easy…pack and the like. We leave in 2 days and you need to be rested. Practice on the ferry.” Jenny stated while plucking John’s guitar from his lap and grabbing his hand. George helped John upright and back into his room, before tucking Jenny in the bed next to John. John dropped off before George was done so he told Jenny “Jenny get some rest I’ll wake you for lunch.” George said while smoothing the hair off of her face. George walked downstairs and found Paul waiting for him. “George what really happened.” Paul said looking at him “Mimi smashed a lamp on his head and threw her into a wall I really don’t think John will be up for practicing for a couple of days at least until we leave.” George said dropping onto the couch next to him. “That’s fair, well I guess practice and I’ll see you on the boat.” Paul said leaving smiling before he shut the door.

A/N sooo that’s it for the year of 1959 for out heroes! Tune in next time for the adventures in Hamburg!!!!

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