Fabby day in Queens

Apr 23, 2007 20:11

You know when you have one of those really nice days that you know you'll remember for ages and ages? Well, today was one of them.

It didn't start out too well, unfortunately, because I had a minor disagreement with my mother, who promptly grounded me. So...I asked my brother to cover for me and sneaked out of the house. Obviously she realised I'd gone, but amazingly she didn't go too mad, so fortunately that didn't ruin an otherwise lovely day.

Right...Well, I met Chris and Pete outside the Curzon at half twelve. Ellie and Boston were late *looks disapproving* Shortly before they arrived, Matt turned up and tried to run us over with his car. Pete didn't notice til he was about an inch away from him and jumped about a foot in the air - Chris and I could not stop laughing. Matt, who was absolutely pissing himself laughing, reversed very fast back onto the road and shot off again. I am honestly scared of his driving.

Then Ellie and Boston finally made an appearance, so we headed off to Somerfield and bought far too much food, most of which we didn't eat. Chris and Pete made the foolish decision to bring wine - in Ellie's case, this was a bad idea. The rest of the day was spent larking about in the playground, in the bandstand and in the bushes. At one point, Chris and I were sitting in the bandstand while Chris played guitar, and my so-called friends made the decision to text Chris with the words "For fuck's sake, just snog her!" Fortunately, or unfortunately, depending how you look at this, he decided to laugh it off. I went after them all and caught them trying to make a break for it out the park gates, but I didn't have the heart to murder them, as it would have spoilt the whole tone of the day.

And now, some photos:

Ellie and Pete, shortly after the picnic commenced.

Boston opening one of the bottles. The first one sprayed everywhere when Pete opened it, causing him and Ellie to jump up and run, which was f-ing hilarious, if I do say so myself, so we told Boston to take the other one and open it on the other side of the bandstand.

Chris brought his guitar along, which was quite a funky idea actually. While Ellie, Pete and Boston were in the playground he started playing some Sylph music, along with Kasabian and Killers covers, and some really nice peaceful acousticey stuff, which was really lovely. Also, I had temporary ownership of the hat again :)

Boston, attempting to get into one of the children's swings.

Chris in the playground.

Me looking rather odd in the playground. I climbed up there and Chris put the hat on my head a second before Boston took the photo, which is why it's a bit lopsided and I'm grinning like an imbecile.

Me and Chris on the roundabout. He and Boston wouldn't stop spinning it round, so I was laughing uncontrollably because I felt like I was going to throw up...which I see now really makes sense.

One of me and Chris that Boston took secretly with my camera. I like this one, I think it's sweet :)

Boston's arse after she went down the slide, which was covered in rainwater.

Ellie and Pete, back in the bandstand. These two were literally all over each other - every time you turned your back on them they'd start snogging again. God...happy couples *is disgusted* *and jealous*

God, this makes me laugh...Boston and Pete "raving" to Chris' guitar playing.

The ridiculously happy couple...

Chris and Boston on the...whatever-they-are.

Me on the bouncy horse, which Ellie named "The Porn Horse" after a rather inappropriate photo was taken of her on there with Pete.

Boston, sitting inside the wheel of the tractor in the playground - the same tractor, incidentally, that Pete and Ellie were sitting under snogging constantly for the entire time it took me and Chris to walk three times round the park.


Me and Boston inside the tractor wheel.

Chris giving me a piggyback, after Boston refused to give me another one. He started running around the bandstand, which was quite scary, but also very funny.

Another one of me and Chris. Ellie and Pete were clearly delighted about this - I heard some distinctly crude comments about me "riding" him. Why are all my friends so exceptionally filthy-minded?

Boston had to leave before the rest of us did, and since Ellie and Pete were wrapped around each other under the tractor in the kids' playground, we walked about three times round the park, just talking, which was really nice, and he walked me to the bus stop too. The others had been encouraging me to snog him all day, but he was really too tall, plus my bus driver was standing next to us smirking and smoking a cigarette, and my sister was ogling at us through the window of the bus, so it was hardly romantic, but we did have quite a nice long snuggly hug. I like hugs. That is all.

[music|Romeo and Juliet theme (yes, I watched it this morning, I am sad) ]

amusing, chaos, playground, pete, boston, ellie, chris, snogging, queens, picnic, alcohol

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