(no subject)

Feb 05, 2004 18:14

Now that I'm actually studying I feel really good about my grades this semester. I'm very excited for Comp. Programming, for whatever reason my brain really gets it. I don't know if it's b/c it's an intro. course, but I'm picking it up really easily.

And I'm very excited for my plans this Spring Break. I'm headed down to DC with a really good friend for four days, so it's going to be a ton of fun. I love DC and all the monuments and stuff like that, the Library of Congress is especially cool. Hopefully the capital building is still open for tours too, as I've never checked that out before. All in all, it's going to be a great time.

On another interesting note, I saved this girl's ID card, I think I wrote about it here, and I noticed that her e-mail was on the Random Acts of Kindness club list. Which is pretty ironic. Although she didn't actually go to the meeting so I don't know that she's really a part of the group.

Here's my obligatory idiot moment of the day: I was at work and a couple grad. students offered me some oreos after I got done with my job. As I'm walking down the hall I see my boss ahead of me so I yell "Hey Mike" and he turns around. He starts to thank me for taking the job and I'm telling him how it's okay b/c I got paid in cookies. At which point I start to offer him one, but as he'leaning out to grab one he drops the water he was holding and I reach to grab the bottle and drop the cookies. The water broke up and the oreos all fell to the ground. And another media group member was watching. It was classic.

I had my RA interview yesterday, which went pretty well I think. It was the first of the group interviews and basically I just went into a room with some other candidates and we solved a hypothetical problem. It wasn't too exciting, I'll update more about this as the hiring progress progresses.
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