I'm going to update about the Assembly when I've finished the entry, but I've found a fascination for clouds - looking at them and photographing them. Here are a few photos, if anyone's interested:
Actually, if you like clouds, you should really fly in an aeroplane. There is nothing like it for cloud-watching, especially during the journeys up and down. It's best when it's not too cloudy or too clear, but even too cloudy looks beautiful from the top. It's like a whole new world, one made of cotton fluff.
I have to say, that's the only part of flying that actually appeals to me (well, and getting to places quicker, but I have little or no need for that!)
Actually, if you like clouds, you should really fly in an aeroplane. There is nothing like it for cloud-watching, especially during the journeys up and down. It's best when it's not too cloudy or too clear, but even too cloudy looks beautiful from the top. It's like a whole new world, one made of cotton fluff.
Do you think I should post the full moon?
The world smells like a better place.
Charlotte, I think we have some reminiscing long overdue. I was thinking that on the train today. We'll have to arrange a date.
Yay for clean-smelling ... things!
Oh yes, we do. Shall we lose James and Emma somewhere when we visit, and reminisce then? (Half-kidding ... )
I'm sure we won't purposely have to lose them ... I'm sure there'll be an opportunity where we happen to be alone. *guilty shift of eyes*
I love reminiscing! <3 And soap. <3 <3
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