My coworker M is not the brightest crayon in the box. I've had problems with her, starting with her asking me why I have an English name, then proceeding into her flailing on the work lunchroom floor because she was in serious pain... because she's lactose-intolerant and she'd had a huge slice of cheesecake, then claiming that she didn't know that cheesecake was dairy. Ugh.
Anyway, I had to help her with a simple procedure today - our work policy says that any high-ticket tools we're purchasing for customers has to be tagged with a tag number sticker so we can keep track of them, and we fill out a form with the tag number to keep in the case file.
So M is completely confused about what to do (obviously), and I said I'd help her out in a minute, gave her the form and the sticker tags, told her I'd be back in a flash.
She disappeared for the next hour or so, and when I finally got back to her, she'd filled out the form. Where there was the section for "equipment tag number", instead of copying off the tag, she just stuck the sticker... right onto the form.
I probably shouldn't have reacted the way I had, but when I said, "Uh... That's not supposed to go there," she just exploded into stupid "omg shit you told me to do that!" which I very politely told her that I had not. When she kept insisting that I had and said it was my fault, I just blew up.
"How are you supposed to tag the equipment then if the sticker is on the form?" I yelled.
I'm so glad my coworkers were highly amused (they know M is not the brightest either) because I couldn't hold back on just how frakkin' dumb this lady is. To think that somehow, this moron has a master's degree and is responsible for counseling disadvantaged adults. -.-
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