Hahahahaha sooooo it's been over two months since my last post! How typical. I totally had a legit excuse this time for not being around as much, though, which was...
Yes, my friends, I am now officially done school! Christ, but it was kind of shaky there at the end. Pretty much every single thing I had to do piled into one week, immediately followed by my first final exam, and I just about went bugnuts crazy. I'm STILL not entirely sure how I managed to get through that intact, but here I am.
(Oh, also! In case anyone was still wondering, the fandom research project I did for one of my film seminars went smashingly! My prof pretty much flat out said it was the best presentation out of the whole class, which made me all verklempt *sob* Honestly, though, I could not have done it without everyone who participated in my survey, so THANK YOU SO MUCH ♥)
My graduation ceremony was yesterday, so now it's all official-like. OF COURSE it motherfucking POURED rain, but that's Vancouver for you. It would have been silly to expect anything else. I will post photos when my dad gets off his ass and puts them on his computer, but I think I'll save that for when I post photos from my formal graduation shoot. They're all so lovely, I don't know how to choose which ones to buyyyy ;___;
ANYHOODLE! Here are some things that are making my life awesome right now:
♥ THE CANUCKS MADE IT TO THE STANLEY CUP FINAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know most of you probably don't care one cent about hockey, but uhhhh I'm Canadian so it's pretty much hardwired into my DNA. I've always been a fan of the Canucks, but my dad is the hardcore follower who's been with the team since the 80's, so while them getting to finals means a lot to me, it means even more to him. My god, when Bieksa scored the winning goal in double overtime.....I just about started crying, and my dad pretty much just screamed and danced around the living room. It was so great :'D
I dunno how the hell I'm going to handle actually watching them play in this final series, though. Watching sports in general is exhausting for me, because I get so into it SO QUICKLY, but watching hockey is like a fucking full body sport. On game day I wake up with my stomach already in knots, and then I spend the whole day anxiously anticipating the puck drop, AND THEN when the game actually STARTS I've worked myself into such a state that I'm stuck in this crazy adrenaline high until it's over. HEARTBURN CITY, LEMME TELL YOU :|||
But, whatever, I can just deal with it because OMG STANLEY CUP FINAL \o/!!!
♥ I have spent so much time recently with my Vancouver Fangirls (
scintilla10, and
neros_violin), and when I stop to think about how lucky I've gotten, having been able to find this great group of friends who are all so AWESOME and FUNNY and SMART and SUPPORTIVE, I just....can't even handle it. I AM NOT WORTHY OF ALL YOU WONDERFUL PEOPLE ;_____; ♥!!
For real, though, fangirls make everything better. We all got together -- with bonus
laulan who came up from Seattle! -- and had a huge SPN Season Finale Sleepover Extravaganza, and it was amaaaaaazing good times. We ate Chinese, and nommed on the gluten free chocolate chip cookies I baked (lol) while pretty much screaming/flailing/laughing/heckling our way through the two hour finale. Then we spent like the next few hours in Intense Fangirl Conversation (read: bitching), conked out for the night, and then wasted away the majority of Saturday eating leftovers while writing/reading fic. SO PRETTY MUCH THE IDEAL WEEKEND. I'm........honestly not sure if I would have made it through the finale otherwise. And that's all I'm gonna say about that!
♥ For those of you who follow me on Twitter, you'll already have heard me scream about this next bit, but now I'm providing links! Hooray!
SO, for the last few weeks I've been devouring this original fic series called
Shadow of the Templar, and I just need to gush for a moment over how awesome it is. BECAUSE IT IS SO AWESOME. Seriously. This is the provided summary:
Simon Drake is an up-and-coming young FBI hotshot, an agent with a personal track record so outstanding that it borders on unbelievable. Not yet thirty, he's already the leader of his own special ops team; a ragtag bunch of talented but nigh-uncontrollable lunatics, it's true, but under Simon's inspired leadership they're a force to be reckoned with, a team with an unparalleled success rate, a team with an almost unblemished record--until now.
Jeremy Archer is the brilliant and unpredictable scion of a long line of international art thieves, simultaneously a phenomenally wealthy English socialite and one of the most infamous criminals in the world. At twenty-seven years old he's already wanted on nearly every continent for thefts totalling more than ninety-one million dollars, and yet no one has ever come close to catching him--until now.
May the best man win.
So it's essentially White Collar, except with much more swearing, violence, and explicit gay buttsex awww yeah. For real, though, this series hits just about every single narrative and relationship related button that I have. SEXY RIVALS! UST! SIZE KINK! CAPERS! BANTER! RELUCTANT COLLABORATION WITH THE ENEMY! MEN HAVING FEELINGS AND BEING EMOTIONALLY STUNTED ASSHOLES ABOUT IT! BEING IN DENIAL ABOUT HOW MUCH THEY MEAN TO EACH OTHER UNTIL SOMETHING BAD HAPPENS TO ONE OF THEM (OR BOTH OF THEM)! HURT/COMFORT AND FORCED PROXIMITY! BREAKING THE LAW FOR LOVE~~~!
There's four "books" in total, as well as a good handful of extra short stories (and the sex scenes -- funny story: in the books themselves she kept fading to black on the sex and it was driving me BONKERS...until I realized that she had actually written the sex but chose to cut it out of the main body of the story for pacing/tone reasons, and it could all be read elsewhere on her website lolololol oh self. What's actually IN the main body is plenty sexy though, I will say that, although as a whole the stories are much more action/adventure-y)
They're not perfect, and, I dunno, they may not work for everyone, but I am just so overwhelmed with how much I've enjoyed reading them that I needed to share in case this might tickle anyone else's interest.
(Some warnings: Simon does call Jeremy a "faggot"/"pussy" on several occasions, which........I suppose makes sense in the context of his character, but was still pretty jarring every time it came up. It obviously wasn't a deal breaker for me, but yeah, be prepared to see that. Also, I'm not entirely sure how I feel about the portrayal of the single "ethnic" character. She does lampshade it a bit with the character's own acknowledgement that he sometimes plays the "token ethnic person" role in case situations wherever needed, and his heritage -- for the record, he's half Japanese -- is not in any way a defining aspect of his character that is really only obliquely mentioned a handful of times anyway, but...yeah. I suppose it'll be a "mileage may vary" sort of situation.)
IN CONCLUSION: Now it's time to join the ranks of the educated-but-unemployed! (SOMEONE GIVE ME A JOB PLZ)