WOW. So. My fannish attention is all over the fucking map lately, and I haven't read a single SPN/J2 Big Bang from this year's crop yet, but something has been called to my attention that I really, really can't stay quiet about.
Please take a moment to go
here and read up about the latest absolutely galling pile of racist fail to come out of SPN
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I do hope, however, that this turns in to a learning experience for them rather than making them defensive, because they are otherwise talented. We are extremely lucky that through our education and/or where we live that we've been exposed to why this is wrong. When I graduated high school (growing up in a small, very white American town) I would have never considered problems of cultural appropriation or the concept of 'the noble savage' or similar tropes-- I'm a smart person, but I just wasn't exposed to it and I know I perpetrated some race!fail in things I wrote at the time, which fortunately was private enough or small enough (or the internet was small enough) and didn't have the scope of a Big Bang release. I learned my lesson through exposure and *one or two* patient people who pointed out my issues either in person or online and I am forever indebted to them. I hope this writer, and whoever else wins the Sensitivity!fail Olympics in this year's Big Bang (and with this many participants there will be *at least* one more) gets the same lesson I did from similarly patient teachers.
I'm...kind of not that surprised though, actually. This kind of "I DON'T THINK ABOUT IT IN TERMS OF RAAAAACE" racism is exactly the kind that most often comes from educated, smart people, the ones that like to claim they have tons of friends who are POC and would never think they were ~~different. Which is exactly where I was in my early days in Fandom, before I was confronted with all of the fantastic meta the criticism over the years that forced me to realize just how WRONG and FUCKING STUPID I was being. Right now it seems like the author's only half-assedly owning up to her shit, so we'll see how it all turns out, I guess.
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