[What is below is a mostly rough edit. Whenever you see a note in there, it's either for something I need to communicate with another player with (if the character is currently being played by someone) or like with the background, a decision to make. So it's a bit rough and will be revised in due time.]
[Name:] Daryan Crescend
[Age:] 22
[Gender:] Male
[Marital Status:] Single
[Sexuality:] Straight. Along with the fact that he only dates women (though not Gavinner groupies. He grew annoyed by them over the years), but there are also stories out on the internet pairing him with other band members of The Gavinners that he would prefer not to hear about, as a measure to keep his anger in check.
[Occupation:] Detective for the Los Angeles Police Department, Division 3 International Affairs (or Criminal Affairs. Capcom uses both for Daryan’s division) and second guitarist for The Gavinners.
[In this section we want you to take as much time as possible to flesh out the relationships your character has with others in the game. It's important for us to know how you intend to interact with other characters, so please be detailed. If you're writing about a character that's already been taken and don't know if the player agrees with your interpretation, don't worry - these things are always evolving over the course of the game.]
[Family:] Daryan’s parents have all but disowned him back when he was 18 and he hasn’t been in much contact since. He also has an Uncle Simon (from his father’s side of the family) that was a retired detective until he died 3 years ago from a heart attack. Overall, Daryan does not talk about his family outside of rare circumstances.
Klavier Gavin: Daryan has been a friend with Klavier ever since the two of them met and formed The Gavinners and even worked together handling homicide cases until Daryan transferred out. Since then (or before the transfer), Daryan has been a bit more colder to Klavier, addressing him “Gavin” and getting more annoyed about Klavier’s perfectionist habits when it comes to music (getting depressed when something doesn’t go right, changing lyrics on a whim) but he still respects Klavier’s gift at music, since for all of that irritation towards the songs, it all comes out good in the end.
Miles Edgeworth: Even after 5 years, Daryan and Miles do not get along at all; fortunately they do not work together often. The pranks and outbursts from the past might have stopped but Daryan still dislikes Edgeworth and his usual stuck-up manner. It also doesn’t help that Daryan dated his sister.
Kristoph Gavin: Daryan does not see or talk to Klavier’s older brother much, but when they do (usually in court when Daryan is testifying and Kristoph is the defense attorney), it is not pleasant. Daryan also doesn’t care for Kristoph’s usual attitude that reminds me of Edgeworth.
Franziska von Karma: Daryan’s ex-girlfriend, which makes working on a case with her very awkward thanks to A. She dumping him when their relationship went to hell and B. the real motivation for getting together was that Daryan wanted a "helping hand" in order to get to the Police Academy. Fortunatly for Daryan, no one knows the latter fact but when the ex-couple have to work together on a case, Daryan would prefer to get things done as smoothly as possible.
Dick Gumshoe: There are some things in life that make absolutely no goddamn sense at all. To Daryan, Gumshoe being Chief of Police and Daryan's superior is one of them. Every time he ponders this outloud, he gets replies ranging from praise for being incorruptible and loyal to a shrug and saying "he was the only guy left for the spot." Daryan tries to keep himself in check out of concern that Chief Gumshoe might work up the fortitude to fire him, but sometimes it can get unnerving.
[Note: The reason why there are only three characters in this section being that Daryan would forget a lot of the people he met, befriended or made enemies of when he got caught up in his day and night jobs. Other police officers [Gumshoe, Angel] or prosecutors [Payne] will be added on when I get in touch with them or when the characters are being filled.]
[General personality: (What are your characters likes and dislikes? Talents and failings? What do they spend their time on? Do they have any personality traits, goals, special interests?)]
As likes and dislikes go, Daryan likes music (rock music in particular), guitars (including ”Geeter”), a good cop TV show or movie (emphasis on cops, not prosecutors or forensic investigations), and the joy he gets when he sees people he can’t stand are miserable or humiliated (even if he had nothing to do with it.) His dislikes are the other genres of music (finding stuff like Lamiroir’s music “pretentious”), airplanes, boats, and the “red tape” that he encounters sometimes at his job.
Daryan is, as expected of a guitarist, musically adept, but one key talent he has is that he is a “gifted” detective. In this case, “gifted” is used for spotting weaknesses and flaws in various things and then go about to using them to his advantage. This is very useful when he needs to sweat some details out of someone.
His major failing is his attitude, 5 years later, Daryan is still a jerk. However, he doesn’t snap as often and as easily as he did when he was 18 (as his job depends on him not flying off the handle in a fit of rage every 5 seconds) and he still makes comments that can be taken as politically incorrect or rude (such as his comments about how everyone was buying Lamiroir’s story because she’s blind or cracking insults about the dead.) Another thing to note of his personality is that the optimism about being a cop, cleaning up the streets with ease and other dreams that he had when he was 18 has diminished, leaving Daryan to be more cynical and bitter about various things in the legal system that he thinks are problems.
What he does instead is bottle up all of that anger until he gets somewhere more private and unleashes it on anything or anyone he can. He commonly does it either through playing the guitar, practicing in the police department’s fire range or the gym (abusing the punching bag or when another officer wants to spar.)
Outside of his two jobs, Daryan doesn’t have many hobbies. He quit the football team a year after he joined, opting to focus more on his police work. When he’s off-duty and he’s not doing anything related to the band, he prefers to spend most of his free time at home, listening to some music or watching some TV. Once in awhile, he’ll go to a bar or see a movie, though he never goes out partying or clubbing unless it’s unavoidable (a good example would be promo stuff for the Gavinners.)
[Background:] (What background have you come up with for your character outside of what the games state? Feel free to be creative (within the confines of canon of course) about where they came from and what motivates them. Don't worry about going into the details of the case(s) your character was involved in: "And then case such and such happened" is enough. But, if you'd like to add some special detail about your character's feelings towards the case that isn't specified in the game, go right ahead!)
To shorten up the stuff that will obviously carry forward from 2.0’s profile: Daryan wanted to be a detective all his life, met Klavier a month before his first case as a prosecutor and shortly joined the newly formed Gavinners rock band, consisting of various future members of law enforcement. The band quickly took off, netting lots of fans despite never leaving the country (potentially on account of that Daryan can’t stand boats and planes) and Daryan entered the police department workforce. Once he graduated from police academy, he had a slow start as a regular beat cop (as his demeanor earned him a complaint or two) but he eventually came into his own, experiencing a sort of meteoric rise, (thanks to the “gift” mentioned in general personality), to the point that he was a homicide detective at the age of 20*. After two years of working there, he transferred to International Affairs despite the fact that he never left the country, gets seasick on boats and hates airplanes, where he has been working since.
[* This is a fair guess since in the game, he was 24 and in division 3 and evidentially not a rookie to the field, probably in for a year. Add that with being a homicide detective before that and him graduating police academy in 6 months (the course time used by the LAPD for its academy) and you get this guess of Daryan making detective at 20.]
[Note: I didn’t include any big things about his motivations for his act of smuggling because it seems like every time I try to find an answer in 4-3, I get another question. I just about narrowed it down to 3 motives:
1. Power through blackmail. Obvious since the idea of the Chief Justice getting caught in a scandal for buying and using an illegal substance to cure his son was Daryan’s insurance policy. Blackmail would result in earning lots of sway in the system, resulting in getting the Chief of Police position to use to his own selfish desires.
2. “Ends justify the means”. Essentially the same as the 1st one, but the reason behind it is the belief that using the Chief Justice to gain power is the only way to help fix the system, no matter what it took. I must admit that it’s not likely as the idea to have villains like Manfred, Dahlia, Matt, Gant, Redd, etc. is to make them unsympathetic, selfish, assholes.
3. Earning his “retirement” money. This one is a new one, but after reading the game script a bit, some of Daryan’s comments when he talks about the band sound like he’s getting tired of the whole deal. Complaining about how Klavier is a perfectionist that changes lyrics on a whim and throwing a hissy fit when someone flubs a note, saying that none of the audience would notice his mistake as they are just amateurs, and stating that the band is “all right”. Perhaps he felt like he needed to quit out of lack of interest in the field or the band might break up at any time, losing his cash cow in the process.]