Reply to Challenge #44

Mar 31, 2005 10:40

Title: The Gift of Sight
Musical: Jane Eyre
Rating: PG
Words: 100
Nomination to: Sweeney Todd
Challenge: #44-Almost Forgotten
Author's Note: Yes, I know, I use too much dialogue in these things. It's just my writing style...unfortunately.

As with many things in my life, it not until I lost my eyesight did I truly appreciate it. Thus, when after a few years, I found it returning to me, I marveled in everything I saw. First it was light, then color, and eventually shapes began to form. It was rather like looking at the world through a foggy window; nevertheless, I savored every moment. One day Jane noticed me staring at her as we sat in the garden.

“What has possessed you, Edward?”

“Oh, nothing, it’s just that I had almost forgotten…”

“Forgotten what?”

“How beautiful you are.”
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