21st entry [video]

Jul 12, 2009 18:13

[Belldandy is lying on the ground, struggling to opperate the communicator with one hand. She looks pretty beat up--a few bruises forming, and a scratch on her face.  She's quite for a moment before she speaks, obviously in a lot of pain--her breathing ragged.]

Someone...please...F-father Abel...he's not...himself..

[Theres a gasp of pain. Belldandy stops speaking for a moment, her face looking hurt. She didn't know what to say, she had gone out, and been attacked again. This time though, she hadn't been alone. The screen shifts slightly, to show Guy, on his back in a similar condition. He appears to be having a harder time breathing than Belldandy--and his wounds are slightly worse. Bell coughs, flinching at the pain it causes her. ]

Guy tried to protect me but...[Her voice trails off and she tries to get up to help--but the effort appears to cause her a lot of pain, and she just falls to the ground again. She looks over to Guy sadly--She didn't know how badly he was injured, the only thing she knew was that he was alive. She wanted to help him, but couldn't. She chokes back a sob.]

I-It's all my fault...[She stares regretfully at the communicator, tears streaming down her face. Why is it that every time she goes outside, something happens to her? She was supposed to bring luck and happyness to others, but instead she had been the reason Guy had been hurt, and that everyone would worry.]

Please...someone h-help us...I don't think I can get us to the hospital by myself.

why does this allways happen, bruised, pain, someone put her on a leash, attacked, i wasn't by myself this time!, abel, guy, please help, need hospital

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