Sep 12, 2008 14:11
I don't even know what to write about anymore.
Today was a stressful day and next week won't be any better.
I had my first stats test today and I think I did well *crosses fingers *
Next week is ........crazy.
I have a bio exam for chp.1-5 and art history quiz on tuesday and I have a chem exam chp.1-3 on friday.
I wanna go see Against me! in O-town on oct.4.
I need a vacation.
Right now I'm sitting at the campus starbucks (they only have one here, which is weird because i'm use to 5 lol) trying to decide if i want to stay here or go back home. If I go back home then i'll be tempted to sleep, then I'll never wake up.
I need new music, I'm wearing out my lupe fiasco cd (lol). Any good bands? is my best friend.
Hopefully, eyebrow piercing next week.
I want a tattoo.
I want a lot of things.
I only need: Coffee, friends, music, gas, food, and more coffee.
I've been drinking so much coffee, I feel like i'm turning into Gerard Way (only one of you will get that joke).
i'm a loser,