The World's Not Waiting (For A Girl In An Empty Apartment)

Jan 27, 2007 15:49

Hey so I haven't updated this thing in forever, getting ready for a really long read.

Went to Orlando last weekend because Matty is awesome and got me a ticket to go see Fall Out Boy. It was a great weekend. I got see matty and paola and of course it's always a good time with those two. I love you paola! I left for orlando straight after my last class and it was going fine blasting fall out boy on the way there and then I got on the turnpike and traffic was hell. It was bumper to bumper traffic and of course i feel the need to look down at my direction for one second to make sure I get off at the right exit and bam! I rear end a van. Thank god I was only going like less than 5 miles an hour or I would have been in big trouble. I could just see it:  *phone rings* Mom: hello
Police: hello mam' i'm with the orlando city police your daughter she was involved in a rear-end collision on the turnpike
Mom: What?! is she okay??
Police: Yes, she's fine
Mom: good *magically transports herself to orlando and kills me and kicks my ass and then kills me again for not telling her I was going to orland and for hitting the guy*
But I ended up only scratching the back bumper of his car and the front of mine. thank god. I don't think the guy in the van noticed, he didn't try to get me to pull over or anything, not that we could have since traffic was so bad. After that I was freaking out that I missed my exit but I did get to matt's place. We went to hooters and then to Paola/Jason's and watched Saw 3 which I liked. The next day was the Fall Out Boy show. I was so excited. Paola and Matt dropped me off at Universal. Matt had only bought one ticket for me, so I went by myself but I didn't care I was going to see a band that I have loved for a long time. So I got there and since Jason was nice gave me his all access Hard Rock pass I got to go to the shorter line, which I was grateful for since the regular line was long as hell. I met these really cool girls in line and we talked until it was time to go into the venue. It was kinda smaller than I expected it to be. We waited and when we got in, you could feel that excitement. The first band was Permanent Me, who were actucally pretty damn good. They actually played like a band which I think is rare. After their set they invited people who wanted autographs to go outside to their table. Of course I went cuz these guys have talent and I think they'll it. One of the girls I met, Kelly, and me went to go meet the guys and they were really nice but I didn't get to get a picture. After meeting them we ran back inside and missed the beginning of The Early November's set but it was okay I'm not that into them. Then New Found Glory came on, the crowd went insane. Suddenly everyone was moshing, screaming, it was great. NFG was actually really good and I found myself singing along just as loud as the other fans. It was funny when Jordan started doing his own version of "sugar we're going down". Then of course it was time for Fall Out Boy. Everyone was fighting to get to the front and some 13 year old fangirls decked out in pink/FOB shirts thought they were going to push past me, ha they were funny. It resulted in me getting annoyed that they wouldn't stop trying to push me out of the way/pulling my hair, so I moved back a step and stomped on one of the chick's foot and I jabbed my elbow back and hit the other one in the stomach. Needless to say they called me a bitch but then they didn't try to push past me anymore. Then the light's went out, it was Fall Out Boy time. The place went ape shit. Everyone was pushing,screaming, singing. It was amazing. Let's get one thing straight, I don't give a shit if you don't like Fall Out Boy, Partick Stump(h) has an absolutely amazing voice. Seriously that kid has a stunning vocal range. The set list to the best of my knowledge:
"Our Lawyers Made Us Change The Name Of This Song, So We Wouldn't Get Sued"
"Of All the Gin Joints in All the World"(probably one of the best songs live)
"Sugar, We're Going Down"
"The Patron Saint of Liars and Fakes"
"Nobody Puts Baby in a Corner"
"Growing Up"
"Tell That Mick, He Just Made My List Of Things To Do Today"
"A Little Less Sixteen Candles, A Little More Touch Me"
"Grand Theft Autum/Where Is Your Boy?" (absolutely amazing)
"Thriller" (new song from Infinity on High, it was really good)
"This Ain't A Scene, It's An Arms Race" (This song showed Patrick's vocals and it was great seeing everysingle person singing "this ain't a scene, it's a god damn arms race")
"I Slept With Someone In Fall Out Boy, And All I Got Was This Stupid Song"
"Dance, Dance" (it was hiliarious to see their friend, Dirty, doing all the dance steps that pete does at the end of the video)
"Saturday" (the perfect ending song to the best concert I've ever been too, of course the concert was on a saturday)(the quintessentical FOB Song)

Everyone knew all the words to every song, except for "Growing Up" since it was on their first "unofficial" album, you could tell who knew the words. JoeTroh was a big ball of energy, running around all over the stage. During one of the songs, Chad from NFG came out and put Joe on his shoulders, it was hiliarious seeing Joe still playing while he's on chad's shoulders. Patrick was adorable with his hat and angelic voice. Andy, was beating the shit of out those drums, it was great seeing how passionate he was while playing.Pete, Pete, was just beautiful. Seriously, that man makes me melt with his angst, lyrics, and hardxcore screaming. Most amazing show I've ever been to in my life. I was fine all through the show, but as soon as it was over I crashed. I lost my voice, my body was beaten and bruised from fighting off all the kids and crowd surfing (i got hit in the head by some dudes foot). Oh yeah I think it was in the middle of "XO", I don't know how but some how me and five other kids got pushed back and we all fell like dominos. I landed on my back on the floor with five kids on top of my legs and chest. I could not breathe. I laid there for a second, thinking "wow, I'm going to die killed by FOB fans, oh well I'll at least die hapy" but I of course did not die, people were cool enough to pull me up. After the show I managed to wobble out of the venue and I was so dehydrated, I needed a drink so bad. It was totally worth it. Best night of my life. Then it was back Matt's place where we drank sangria and watched the discovery health channel because I am a total nerd and I like to watch surgery being performed. The next day I woke up sore with a huge bruise on my thigh. Did some laundry, went to this really good sushi place with Jason, Paola, and Matty. Came back watched Little Miss Sunshine, loved that movie. Then it was time to head back home. It was a great weekend, thanks to Matty and Paola! I love you guys!

After the coolest weekend, it was back to the same old routine. I now have 3 exams next week! >.< Save me. I pre-ordered the new FOB cd, even though it was leaked on the internet I have refused to listen to it yet. If you want to listen to some good music go listen to the new BAYSIDE, I love that band, their new cd is going to kickass, I hope I can see them at warped this year. Okay I'm off to go study for my exams, later. I love and miss all of you!
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