1. what are you afraid of? : spiders (which seem to keep poping up in my room today), aliens, the dark, deep water, heights, pretty much the unknown
2. who'd you vote for and why, or who would you have, plus why didn't you? : dunno, possibly green or liberals, detest the conservatives
3. on a scale from 1 to 10 how conscious are you generally. Or how often are you just doing things and not really thinking much? : I think about everything, way more than anything should ever be thought about. I need to stop that, its very annoying and inhibiting
4. do you believe in god, and why? : yes, or some form, because I can't believe that theres nothing greater than us.
5. what's your definition of love? : there isn't a definition for it, when u love someone u just know
6. what's your definition of friendship? : when u care enough to be concerned about the person's well-being
7. what do you think of the word 'gay' in its less literal sense? : its just a word. Why do people feel the need to attach negative connitations to words? they're just words, nothing more or nothing less
8. what do you think of islam? : never really thought about it, but its not my way of life, and my way of life isn't necessarily right, so I don't know
9. patriotism?: I think its good to believe in something being good or great, but theres no need to take action just because u beileve ur better
10. vegetarianism? : meh, don't want to be one
11. how do you feel about arguing, or debating? can you enjoy it sometimes? is it completely pointless? : it makes life interesting, people that can't do it need to learn how to get an opinion, theres times when theres no need for argument, because sometimes u just need to let it go. You need to learn when its necessary and when its not. Plus sometimes u just argue for fun, it makes life interesting, never heard of playful banter?
12. how equal do you think men and women should be considered? : we'll never be equal, we're not the same, but as much as possible
13. do you think homosexuality is genetic? or bisexuality? : yes
14. what's your opinion on drugs? : prescription: people need them, they invent them for a reason, if u get hooked on them thats ur problem not mine | non: people do it, I don't want to, but what can you do. I'd rather they don't...
15. do you think morality is a definable constant? or is it just something we made up, and a matter of point of view? : matter of point of view, but its possible for more than one person to have similar morals, we need them in a society to allow it to function. We're all like children, and children really do want rules
16. do you think it's better to get out than to stay in? get out, I stay in too much, but thats just personal
17. how crucial is it to its respectability for art to be meaningful to the artist, or to you? : art is for the artist, if other people like it well then its a bonus
18. what do you think of violence, or pacifism? : I don't believe in violence, but I don't believe that we as humans will ever not fight or have wars, its human nature, so people need to get over themselves, but I don't feel theres any reason to promote it