Blah and Stuff

Nov 20, 2004 20:57

So I thought I might as well prove my continued existance by posting once more.

I got all the classes I wanted for next semester. I can't quite believe there's only a couple of weeks until finals. Kind of freaky.

My friend Melissa wants to start a bookclub. She already has a Vice, which makes me sad. It kind of makes me want to make up a position. I want to be Head Librarian and Part Time Rare Book Dealer. That would be cool. I would then get books for people. That would make me the club's bitch, but I would have a neat title, so that would be all that matters in the end. For me at least.

I had the most horrible insomnia last night. Didn't sleep at all. I gave up at around 5:00 a.m. and just started typing my Philosophy paper. Sammi (my roomate) came back in after that, and she apparently couldn't sleep either. She turned the tv on. An hour later, she was alseep. I was still so wide awake, I coud have danced the jig. *le sigh* Ah, well. One of my suitmates apparently couldn't sleep either, but since I'm not in the same room as her, and I didn't ask, I'm not sure how it turned out for her. She apparently didn't feel well, though. It was all just weird, though. Before now, I had no evidence whatsoever that insomnia could possibly be contangious. Ah, well.

And you know what? I'm not tired. At all. I haven't been asleep since 8:00 Friday morning, and I'm not tired. It's unnatural. If there were any way to prove it, I could be a circus attraction.

Oh, and last week I got a Jester hat. It jingles. Things like that amuse me because I'm weird.
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