Jan 09, 2007 10:30
My Mom is convinced as soon as she releases me into the real world I will die or something. Of course, it's not like I lived in New York City on my own when I was 15. She keeps doing things to try and illustrate the point of how I am going to, very soon, crash and burn without her brilliant parental guidance. For example, my beck was hurting, and I just got my rag a week early last night. My moither is driving and she has me reach in back to find my brother's bottle, a usual task I am appointed. I do it, then after she drops my brother at daycare, she has me reach behind to grab her something out of a bag that she can get herself in 10 minutes. So I do it and, rudely, point out that I don't want to reach around like that when my neck hurts, as her usual she ignores my complaints and makes jokes about how it's good for me. So I say, lightly "Well I hope you enjoyed it because it's the last time I'm doing it" (meaning today, by the way). And she quickly responded with "Last time you ride in my car. Good luck getting home from work tonight."
This is a woman who wouldn't let me get my licence until I turn 18 (which is only 4 months from now). This is a woman who almost NEVER came to pick me up, drop me off, or take me farther than school or work. Refused to drive me to the mall unless it was somewhere she needed to go too (still a very rare event), refused to take me to work in the past because she wouldn't take 10 minutes to half an hour to drive me there. This is the woman who hasn't bought me food, given me clothes, money to use as transport, or come to take me home from a friend's house since I was 12. And even then it wasn't often. This is a woman who's always forced me to be independent but forced me to follow strict rules she's laid out so I can't do anything without her help.
She wants the control over me.