Aug 11, 2004 21:15
i went to churrch and yeah i saw effreit and some of the other guys and we had to make a huge banana split.. lol i knw its weird but i swear the thing weeere suppose to put it i was a drain pipe lol but it was clean and we put all of this crap in it i took the chocalote and tried putting it on but it was soild and when i came out it was all hard and crap it looked shit shit lol i laughed so hard i fell on the floor and then effriet poured the whole vinalla container on it lol it was so funny! we maade a volcano out of it and we put cherries in it and it explolded and then we all threw it at it each other and we got into a food fight.. and all of the dudes poured the ice cream on my back and now my body is numb and i can't stop shaking.
On my way home i saw this corrvete.. i really like that car its nice. but the guy in it was so weird i stared at him.. and then there was a green light and he went so fast and then it was red again and he was eating a banana { everything today are just bananas } and i just stared at him and hes like " want one? " i cracked up!