Oct 16, 2005 00:42
I feel like i've fucked so much up, i cant stand myself lately. I cant stand much these days. I really wish that i could go one day without thinking about the shit that i've done wrong
Someone likes me, i liked them back.
I made-out with someone who is friends with the other someone that likes me.
I really like both someones, but i cant be with either, cuz they are friends and i dont wanna ruin anything between them.
I started hanging out with all the Bi's and lesbians at Borah, and i feel like i have come between 2 friends, and i know i havent just felt like i have, i ACTUALLY HAVE. And i feel horribly about it.
Ok so since i feel like it, i will tell the whole fucking story. Nikki, Kelsey, Cambria and I all went to the S.U.B on Friday because there was a B.G.L.A.D Teen Pride dance, so i called Becky to see if she wanted to meet us there. Well she didnt call me back, so i figured that she couldnt go. So on the way there, Nikki and Kelsey were up front and it was me and Cambria in the back. Well we played the red light game where you kiss someone in the car at a red light. So i probably kissed Cambria like 5-6 times, it was wayyy hot. But we got to the party, and becky ended up coming and runs up and hugs me, we had a moment. I see Ashley there, and i fuck around with her, tap her shoulder and run the other way, just flirting. Me and becky were basically gettin in on (dirty dancing) on the dance floor, but she runs off to slow dance with this guy and i asked ashley to dance and she said yes. So we held eachother tight throughout the song, and then SweetDreams comes on and i told her that i liked this song and we talked about everything, still holding eachother. She told me not to tell becky, but she thinks that she has a crush on me. I was fricken estatic, way fucking excited, so i told her that i liked her as well, because i really do. So while we were dirty dancing, she pulled her hair away from her neck and i started kissing her ear and her neck a lil bit. They stopped the music to hold a raffle give-away thing, me and ashley went behind the group of people and made out, yea, that girl makes me hot, knows how to work that tongue. Wow im gettin hot just thinkin about her. Anyways, i start to feel like shit, runny nose and a stomach ache, so me and ashley go outside and we sat and talked and kissed and heald hands. Well, Jackie came outside and started some major lesbian drama. Becky wanted jackie to watch me and ashley, making sure that we were still at the SUB. Jackie told me that Ashley was gettin on me to make becky jealous, only because becky and ashley dated a while back. She also tried to tell me that Ashley thinks im nappy and gross and she would never get with me. Well, if she thought i was nappy, she wouldnt have shoved her tongue down my throat for every 5 minutes within 3 hours:) . Jackie told me that it was low of me to get with ashley cuz Becky "really likes me". She told me that Becky likes me and she likes me, but ashley is using me to get revenge. Oh well, i will try and not worry about it till monday. Im gonna ride the bus next to Ashley, and if we end up kissing, which i bet may happen, i'll be cool with it, and i'll like it. I just feel really bad because of what i did to becky. But she totally had her chance to get with me, and if me and ashley dont work out, then i may go after becky. Jesus im such a player. And an asshole....and asshole that fucks everything up. Oh well, im off to bed. I will ttyl peoples. Nighty Night....
Leslie A.