Driving Drunk...

Aug 23, 2005 00:54

This isnt one of those stupid fucking chains, this one is from MY mind, tho there are many things like this, and a lot of people feel this way.

Think of someone you love.

Think of the fun times you have with that person.

Think of this person as if they are your best friend, or a lover, or a relative.

Now IMAGINE this:

They are driving down the road, its cold and dark.

Out of no where, a DRUNK DRIVER plows into the front of the car, ejecting your loved-one through the fucking windsheild.

They lay there and suffer until the ambulance comes, but its far too late.

This drunk driver's fun time at the bar put you through hell at a funeral.

If you can barely imagine thinking about something like this, it would you inside to live it.

You might think that, "Oh, i'll drink and drive, i know i wont kill anyone on the road ill be fine, but thats what all the other vehicular-manslaughters thought too.

You might be having fun, driving around and drinking. Its fun till you kill a human being, taking away everything they have lived for. Whatever goes through your head about drunk driving such as, this is stupid, or sayign whatever. Sorry wont cut it when you're either dead or surving many years in prison.

*I was walking through the Expo Building at the Wester Idaho Fair and i saw a car that was torn to shit. It was at the M.A.D.D. booth. It had a list of all the people that have been killed in Idaho by drunk drivers. If you live in Idaho, you should really check it out, and please SUPPORT M.A.D.D.*

All i gotta say is drink at home, or when you drink at another house or at a bar, ALWAYS bring a designated driver.
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