
Apr 13, 2005 12:03

It seems these days that every other issue on the news consists of banning gay this or that; gay marriage, gay rights, gay anything. What I find ironic is that the most prominent groups leading these anti-homosexual movements are Christians, who are supposed to be devout and loyal followers of Jesus Christ and the literal word of the Bible. The timeless question, “What would Jesus do?” comes to mind. Whether or not you are familiar with the various gospels, most people have an impression of Jesus that is all-loving, all-forgiving, and tolerant of everyone, and this is because the Bible does not state that Jesus hates anything, except for the sin which exists in all of us. So why would the people of this supposedly “Christian” nation gather in his name in order to take homosexual people’s rights away?

Jesus healed the lowest classes of society; he hung out with prostitutes and thieves and the worst type of people yet he did not discriminate and helped them all. Knowing this, it is intuitively obvious that Jesus would forgive the homosexuals for being sinners and would not ever gather his followers to persecute any group of people for their beliefs. If homosexuality is genetic, then gay people cannot be blamed for being gay because it is the way God made them and Christians should respect and tolerate them. However, if homosexuality is a choice (as many Christians are inclined to believe) then all of us are potential homosexuals and homosexuality becomes a state a mind; a “belief” if you will. Jesus did not persecute people based on their beliefs and neither should his most devout followers! Of course homosexuality or sodomy is considered a sin in the Bible, but the Bible also says that nobody is free from sin, and many heterosexuals commit far more obscene sins than sodomy, if not sodomy itself. The point is that we are all sinners, and homosexuals as sinners should be treated like everybody else; they do not deserve to have their rights taken away by any “Christian” lobbyists, or anyone for that matter.
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