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Mar 21, 2005 21:07

ITS FUCKING SPRING BREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *jumps around like a fuckin lunitic (who cant spell :P)*

ok so friday my love stepherpoo came to school to pick me up...then we came to my house and got ready for #s....we went to #s and ej his friends and mick were there...we also met alot of people like this cool chick rachel and this drunk chick julia and this HOT guy ryan...he goes to memorial or sumthing....it was alot of fun...we danced alot....they played mr brightside which had been stuck in my head the whole day since we listened to the killers in mr. H's class...then she spent the night...the next day we hung out at home for a while then went and got hannah and kayla and jay from hannahs house and headed out to noisefest....we kinda got lost on the way but we still made it...my mom was like freaking out it was funny.....so we sit on his nasty smelling couch and wait for homies to get there....ivan, ariel, eric, madi, joey, ali, ben, josh, celia, cheryl, and everyone finally came and i got to meet eric's girl (who happens to have the greatest name in the world) jenny...and ally g came...OOOO and this guy i had a HUGE crush on last year...chris...was there....it was kickass...we saw century of war and some other bands and uzi suicide then the dumb neighbors shut us down...WHICH SUCKED....so since i cant stay out past 1 and the show was continuing at 12 i was like fuck it...so hannah said it was cool to go hang at her house....so steph me hannah jay and kayla pile in my car and off we go....we get there and these kids, nate, jeff, cj, beau, and eric were already there...nate left after an hour and then they smoked a bit...and got major munchies...so hannah fixed some popcorn and we chilled in the living room thing...ozzy (her dog) kept humping kayla...it was funny...then her and beau got in a pillow fight and she kept nailing him in the balls....finally she twisted them some how and he was done...it was great....we hung out till 2ish and then me and steph went home (my mom was asleep so she didnt get us till then)....then on sunday we had to wake up early and go to church (hurl) it was boring....my stupid mom made me go....stupid bitch even made sure i was up....ugh...afterwards we went back to steph's g-rents house and had lunch....then i took a nap...then zach picked us up and we went to the tea house and played cranium....i got a yummy green apple slurpy thing with green jelly mmm mmmmm.....then we went to the village and went to thai cottage and got tofu pathai (sp?)it was yummy...then stuff happened and im tired of typing....so yea....

if anyone wants to do anything this spring break call my cell if you know it....
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