Jan 06, 2008 11:54

YesAsia: Amber Kuo previously appeared in the music vides of Tank, Real, and Stefanie Sun, but the 21-year-old newcomer is going to get her own music videos now with the release of her self-titled debut album. A student at Taiwan's top school, National Taiwan University, Amber has both the looks and the talent, capturing the beauty, strength, and sentiments of a young woman at the brink of adulthood. Out of 2007's many female newcomers, Amber stands out with her distinctive voice, which has a sweet yet powerful quality that reminds of divas like Angela Chang and Stefanie Sun. She introduces herself to the Taiwan music scene with, interestingly enough, the English-language I Remember, a song she wrote and composed with producer Chen Wei. Other offerings on Amber's promising debut album include title track "Invisible Superman" (Track 5), light mid-tempo ballad I Need You, the fast and cute "A Little Faster" (Track 4), and the forceful ballad "Think of You Sincerely" (Track 6).

Comments: Don't let the cover stop you. That's what I did, and overlooked this one at first. I was like "you have to be joking" that font is absolutely horrible, it looks like it was chosen by a four year old. But no, the cover doesn't do it justice. The title track "隱形超人" is rock influenced and undoubtly is my favourite track and its only because I came across the video I decided to download the album - the ballads are good too, but the few happy-cute pop songs aren't really my taste but are quite catchy. Plus alot of tunes are self-composed too.

Please remember to COMMENT if you download ♥

Amber Guo - Invisible Superman
Release: January 2, 2008
Support: YesAsia Global
Download: Megaupload // Sendspace [50.9MB @ 192kbps]

01. I Remember [YT Preview]
02. I Need You [YT Preview]
03. Shopping 明天
04. 快一點
05. 隱形超人
06. 誠實地想你 [YT Preview]
07. 欠踹的背影
08. 我的未來式
09. 走路飛行
10. 愛情定格

amber guo, uploader: fearless_123, !chinese: mandarin

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