[album] MC Jin - Free Rap Mixtape

Aug 05, 2009 20:10

MC Jin - Free Rap Mixtape (meen fai rap)

This was a free album released by MC Jin earlier this year. Yes, free as in "you don't have to spend your own moneys to buy it because it's sponsored". :D (IIRC, there were pictures of him handing out copies on some street in HK)

I suggest you read the commentary at fluffychopstix (click here!) because I don't understand Cantonese enough to tell you guys what is going on. But he mentions stuff like eating oranges, and for those of you that are interested, track 3 uses O-zone's Dragostea din tei (aka the "numa numa song"); track 5 is Kanye West's Flashing Lights; track 7 is Lil Wayne's Mrs. Officer. :)

01. 新年快樂
02. 免費RAP
03. 早晨
04. 特別新聞報告(一)
05. 想影相
06. 靚仔靚女
07. 留口訊
08. 特別新聞報告(二)
09. 四圍RAP (featuring 24味) /24 Herbs
10. 特別新聞報告(三)
11. 係又YO唔係又YO

Bonus track: (not included in the zip ^__^;;)
12. Bao Cho Rap Yao

& Please comment if taking! Thanks~
and if you'd like it reuploaded on a different server, don't be afraid to ask! :)


also time for some plugs!

Royal Pirates
They're a duo, with Moonchul on vocals and guitar and Sooyoon on drums/subvocals. RP is probably best know for their rock covers on youtube. Most of their covers are those of Kpop hits, but there's a couple original songs as non-Kpop songs (check out their cover of Britney Spears' Circus! &hearts )

Wonder Girls - Nobody cover
Britney Spears - Circus cover

cityincolors (aka Alan N.)
He does a lot of Kpop covers (mostly DBSK) as well as a few other covers. A lot of people think that he sounds like Jaejoong from DBSK. (...I think he really sounds like K in his Only Human cover) XD

BOF - SS501 - Because I'm Stupid cover (I think he also played the guitar parts in this cover? :D)
DBSK - Bolero cover

jin, uploader: x_formaldihiyde, !album, !chinese: cantonese

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